平成28 年度,健康スポーツ学科 若手研究者国際学会派遣助成,Qualitative study of Recognition of Prior Learning in Denmark:Focusing on Practices of Produktionsskole (Production school),研究代表者(新規)
Murayama T, Sato T, Watanabe S, Kobayashi K, Tanifuji O, Mochizuki T, Yamagiwa H, Koga Y, Omori G, Endo N. Three-dimensional in vivo dynamic motion analysis of anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees during squatting using geometric center axis of the femur. J Orthop Sci 2016; 21: 159-165.
Higano Y, Hayami T, Omori G, Koga Y, Endo K, Endo N. The varus alignment and morphologic alterations of proximal tibia affect the onset of medial knee osteoarthritis in rural Japanese women: Case control study from the longitudinal evaluation of Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey. J Orthop Sci 2016; 21: 166-171.
Mochizuki T, Tanifuji O, Koga Y, Sato T, Kobayashi K, Nishino K, Watanabe S, Ariumi A, Fujii T, yamagiwa H, Omori G, Endoh N. Sex differences in femoral deformity determined using three‑dimensional assessment for osteoarthritic knees. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2017; 25: 468-476.
Omori G, Narumi K, Nishino K, Nawata A, Watanabe H, Tanaka M, Endoh K, Koga Y. Association of mechanical factors with medial knee osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study from Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey. J Orthop Sci, 2016; 21:463-468.
大森豪. 半月変性断裂に対する保存治療. 臨整外, 2016; 51: 223-227.
梨本智史、佐藤卓、古賀良生、大森豪. 膝前十字靭帯再建術後の筋力評価法としてのForward step down testの有用性. JOSKAS誌 2016; 41: 808-813.
Okuda K, Fu HY, Matsuzaki T, Araki R, Tsuchida S, Thanikachalam PV, Fukuta T, Asai T, Yamato M, Sanada S, Asanuma H, Asano Y, Asakura M, Hanawa H, Hao H, Oku N, Takashima S, Kitakaze M, Sakata Y and Minamino T. Targeted Therapy for Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis with Nano-Sized Liposomal FK506 in Rats. PloS one. 2016; 11: e0160944.
Watanabe T, Kashimura T, Kodama M, Tanaka K, Fujiki S, Hayashi Y, Obata H, Hanawa H and Minamino T. Failing Left Ventricles Have an Enhanced Post-Stimulation Potentiation Despite Their Impaired Force Frequency Relationship. International heart journal. 2016; 57: 317-22.
Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Nara R, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y. Does installation of the backstroke start device reduce 15-m time in swimming ? Journal of Sports Sciences 2017: 35: 189-195.
Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Nara R, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, KuboY. Functional role of the front and back legs during a track start with special reference to an inverted pendulum model in college swimmers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32: 462-468.
Sato D. Yamashiro K., Yamazaki Y., Tsubaki, A. Onishi H., Takehara N., Maruyama A.: Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology(2016)( in press)
Yamazaki Y., Sato D., Yamashiro K., Yamazaki Y., Tsubaki A., Yamaguchi Y., Takehara N., Maruyama A.. Inter-individual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (2016) in press
Fujiwara Y., Yunokuchi K., Nuruki A., Maruyama A.: Neurophysiological evaluation of visual and haptic sense mechanisms in grip movements with artificial visual transmission delay.International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation. 2016,(in press)
E. Kawamoto, K. Koshinaka, T Yoshimura, H Masuda, K. Kawanaka. Immobilization rapidly induces muscle insulin resistance together with the activation of MAPKs (JNK and p38) and impairment of AS160 phosphorylation. Physiol Report. 2016;4:e12876 DOI: 10.14814/phy2.12876.
Sugisaki K et al. A Cross-sectional Investigation of Cancer-Screening Intentions, Sources of Information, and Understanding of Cancer in Japanese Adolescents. J Canc Educ. doi:10.1007/s13187-016-1056-8. 2016.
佐藤 大輔
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 (in press)
Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Yamaguchi Y, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 (in press)
Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Sato D, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sugawara K, Kojima S, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H. Cortical oxyhemoglobin elevation persists after moderate-intensity cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 (in press)
Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Inhibitory effect of intensity and inter-stimulus interval of conditioning stimuli on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. Eur J Neurosci. 2016; 44(4): 2104-13.
Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Cortical magnetic activation following voluntary movement and several types of somatosensory stimulation. J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 2016; 5(4):275-286.
Takehara N, Tsubaki A, Yamazaki Y, Kanaya C, Sato D, Morishita S, Kubo M, Onishi H. Changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex and primary motor cortex during low- and moderate-intensity exercise on a cycle ergometer. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 (in press)
Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Nara R, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y., Kubo Y. Functional role of the front and back legs during a track start with special reference to an inverted pendulum model in college swimmers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32(5): 462-468.
Kudo S., Matsuda Y., Sakurai Y., Ichikawa H., Ikuta Y., Difference in stroke technique to exert hand propulsion between advanced and intermediate swimmers. Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sport (ed.) Ae M., Enomoto Y., Fujii N., Takagi H. 2016; 34: 707-710.
Matsuda Y., Sakurai Y., Ichikawa H., Ikuta Y., Kudo S., How elite swimmers control their hand propulsive force and arm coordination with increasing velocity during front crawl. Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sport (ed.) Ae M., Enomoto Y., Fujii N., Takagi H. 2016; 34: 819-822.
Nagano Y, Sasaki S, Higashihara A, Ichikawa H. Relationships between trunk and knee acceleration and the ground reaction force during single limb landing. Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sport (ed.) Ae M., Enomoto Y., Fujii N., Takagi H. 2016; 34: 875-878.
Nara R., Ikeda Y., Ichikawa H., Sato D., Shimojo H., Baba Y., Shimoyama Y., The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. Supplement to Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2016; 19(12); 59.
Baba Y., Sato D., Ichikawa H., Shimojo H., Ikeda Y. Nara R., Sato A, Shimoyama Y., Stroke phase discrimination in 1500 front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor device, Pilot study of sensor validity. Supplement to Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2016; 19(12); 68.
Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Nara R, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, Kubo Y. Functional role of the front and back legs during a track start with special reference to an inverted pendulum model in college swimmers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32(5):462-468.
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Adv Exp Med Biol 2016 (in press)
Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Inhibitory effect of intensity and interstimulus interval of conditioning stimuli on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. European Journal of Neuroscience
Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Cortical magnetic activation following voluntary movement and several types of somatosensory stimulation. J Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 216; 5:275-286. 2016 (Review)
Sugawara K, Onishi H, Yamashiro K, Kotan S, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Tsubaki A, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Effect of muscle contraction strength on gating of somatosensory magnetic fields. Exp Brain Res (in press). 2016.
Sugawara K, Onishi H, Yamashiro K, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Kotan S, Tsubaki A, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Effect of Range and Angular Velocity of Passive Movement on Somatosensory Evoked Magnetic Fields. BrainTopography 29(5):693-703.doi: 10.1007/s10548-016-0492-4. 2016.
Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Yamaguchi Y, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol (in press)
Yusuke Ikeda, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Rio Nara, Yasuhiro Baba, Yoshimitsu Shimoyama, Yasuyuki Kubo. Functional role of the front and back legs during a track start with special reference to an inverted pendulum model in college swimmers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016:32(5):462-468
Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Nara R, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, KuboY. Functional role of the front and back legs during a track start with special reference to an inverted pendulum model in college swimmers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32: 462-468.
M. Kawabata, F. Yamazaki, D. W. Guo, N. L. D. Chatzisarantis.Advancement of the Subjective Vitality Scale: examination of alternative measurement models for Japanese and Singaporeans.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.2016;Version of Record online.doi: 10.1111/sms.12760.
Yasuyuki Nishihara. Efforts of cooperative learning improvement of physical-education teachers by video annotation system. Interdisciplinary Conference of Cognitive Education (Germany), 2016.7.30.
Yasuyuki Nishihara. Research on Teaching Cognition in Physical Education Teachers. Sports Science and Physical Education Symposium in Leipzig (Germany), 2016.9.3.
大森 豪
Omori G, Narumi K, Nishino K, Nawata A, Watanabe H, Tanaka M, Endoh K, Koga Y. Association of mechanical factors with medial knee osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study from Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey. OARSI 2016 (Amsterdam), 2016. 3.31~4.3.
Koga H, Omori G, Koga Y, Nawata A, Nishino K, Takagi S, Endoh K. Faster progression of osteoarthritis of the knee by 10 years in female than males: a 34-year population-based epidemiological study in Japanese rural area. OARSI 2016 (Amsterdam), 2016. 3.31~4.3.
Takagi S, Omori G, Koga H, Nishino K, Endoh K, Koga Y, Endo N. Relationship between quadriceps strength and radiographic knee osteoarthritis: a 6 years longitudinal study. OARSI 2016 (Amsterdam), 2016. 3.31~4.3.
Nishino K, Omori G, Tanaka M, Nawata A, Koga H, Koga Y. Arakawa M. Kinematic change of femoral and tibial bones during stance phase of gait in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis. OARSI 2016 (Amsterdam), 2016. 3.31~4.3.
下山 好充
Shimoyama Y, Mankyu H, Wada T. Effects of controlled frequency breathing on muscle oxygenation during swimming. 2016 ASICS sports medicine Australia conference (Melboume, Australia), 2016.10.12-15.
Baba Y, Sato D, Ichikawa H, Shimojo H, Ikeda Y, Nara R, Sato A, Shimoyama Y. Stroke phase discrimination in 1500m front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor divice. 2016 ASICS sports medicine Australia conference (Melboume, Australia), 2016.10.12-15.
Nara R, Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Sato D, Shimojo H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y. The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. 2016 ASICS sports medicine Australia conference (Melboume, Australia), 2016.10.12-15.
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Shimojo H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. 21th annual congress of European College of Sport Science (Vienna, Austria). 2016.7.6-9.
丸山 敦夫
Ono K. , Sato D. , Yamashiro K., Kurabe Y., Yamazaki Y., Nuruki A., Maruyama A. How could the pinch force MVC be increased more with a training coupled with pairs of weak TMS pulses? 21th the annual Congress of ECSS, (Vienna, Austria), 2016.7.6~9.
Kurabe Y., Nuruki A., Ono K., Yamazaki Y., Ichikawa H., Yamashiro K., Sato D., Maruyama A. Effects of sprinter’s ability on gaze motion and cognition during sprint observation. 21th the annual Congress of ECSS, (Vienna, Austria), 2016.7.6~9.
Yamashiro K., Sato D., Onishi H., Nakazawa S., Maruyama A.:The effect of taping on pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials. 21th the annual Congress of ECSS, (Vienna, Austria), 2016.7.6~9.
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. 21th annual congress of European College of Sport Science. (Vienna, Austria), 2016.7.6~9.
Sato D., Yamashiro K., Yamazaki Y., Tsubaki A., Onishi H., Takehara N., Shimojo H., Baba Y., Shimoyama Y., Maruyama A.: Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue(Chicago, USA), 2016.7.10~14
Yamazaki Y., Sato D., Yamashiro K., Tsubaki A., Takehara N., Maruyama A.: Interindividual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (Chicago, USA), 2016.7.10~14
Maruyama A., Ono K., Sato D., Yamashiro K., Nuruki A., Nakamura Y., Touge T., Rothwell J.; Could Pinch force MVC be improved by training when coupled with pairs at 2.0ms of threshold TMS pulses? 2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference (Barcelona, Spain 2017, 3.5-8 (Brain Stimulation 2017)
加藤 雅規
Kiyoko Eto, Fumiko Nakajima, Masanori Kato, Rena Hamano, Makoto Ozawa. A Study of Sport Athletes’ Behavioural Characteristics: Analyses of Response Characteristics by the Hand Test. 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama), 2016.July.24-29.
佐藤 大輔
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Shimojo H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. 66th International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue annual meeting (Chicago, USA), 2016.7.10~14.
Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. 21th annual congress of European College of Sport Science. (Vienna, Austria), 2016.7.6~9.
市川 浩
Kurabe Y., Nuruki A., Ono K., Yamazaki Y., Ichikawa H., Yamashiro K., Sato D., Maruyama A. Effect of sprinter’s ability on gaze motion and cognition during sprint observation. 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (Vienna), 2016.7.6-9.
Nagano Y, Sasaki S, Higashihara A, Ichikawa H. Relationships between trunk and knee acceleration and the ground reaction force during single limb landing. 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (Tsukuba), 2016.7.18-22.
Kudo S. Matsuda Y., Sakurai Y., Ichikawa H., Ikuta Y. Differences in stroke technique to exert hand propulsion between advanced and intermediate swimmers. 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (Tsukuba), 2016.7.18-22.
Matsuda Y., Sakurai Y., Ichikawa H., Ikuta Y., Kudo S. How elite swimmers control their hand propulsive force and arm coordination with increasing velocity during front crawl. 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (Tsukuba), 2016.7.18-22.
Nara R., Ikeda Y., Ichikawa H., Sato D., Shimojo H., Baba Y., Shimoyama Y., The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne), 2016.10.12-15.
Baba Y., Sato D., Ichikawa H., Shimojo H., Ikeda Y. Nara R., Sato A, Shimoyama Y., Stroke phase discrimination in 1500 front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor device, Pilot study of sensor validity. Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne), 2016.10.12-15.
Nagano Y., Sasaki S., Higashihara A., Ichikawa H. Movement with greater trunk acceleration during badminton games. 5th NSCA International Conference (Chiba), 2017.1.27-29.
濱野 礼奈
Kiyoko Eto, Fumiko Nakajima, Masanori Kato, Rena Hamano. A Study of Sport Athletes’ Behavioural Characteristics: Analyses of Response Characteristics by the Hand Test. 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama), 2016.July.24-29.
山代 幸哉
Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. The effect of taping on pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials. 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology. (Vienna Austria), 2016.7.6-9
熊崎 昌
Kumazaki A, Ohta C, Hirose N. Cognitive impairment after concussion in collegiate rugby football players. The 71th Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine(Japan). 2016.9.23-25.
Kumazaki A, Shimojo H, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Nakamura M. Analysis of physical characteristics among different position in high school rugby football players. 5th NSCA international Conference(Japan), 2017.1.27-29.
下門 洋文
Hirofumi Shimojo, Ryo Murakawa, Yasuo Sengoku, Shozo Tsubakimoto, Hideki Tagaki. A flow field comparison between taping and no taping condition of ankle during undulatory underwater swimming. Tsukuba ARIHHP Forum (Tsukuba), 2017.2.7-8.
Akira kumazaki, Hirofumi Shimojo, Wataru Ito, Emi Nakamura, Takanori Kikumoto, Masatoshi Nakamura. Analysis of physical characteristics among different positions in high school rugby football players. 5th NSCA International Conference (Tokyo), 2017.1.27-29.
Rio Nara, Yusuke Ikeda, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Daisuke Sato, Hirofumi Shimojo, Yasuhiro Baba, Yoshimitsu Shimoyama. The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne), 2016.10.12-15.
Yasuhiro Baba, Daisuke Sato, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Rio Nara, Hirofumi Shimojo, Yusuke Ikeda, Yoshimitsu Shimoyama Stroke phase discrimination in 1,500m front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor device: Pilot study of sensor validity. 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne), 2016.10.12-15.
Hirofumi Shimojo, Ryo Murakawa, Yasuo Sengoku, Jun Sakakibara, Shozo Tsubakimoto, Hideki Takagi. A FLOW VISUALIZATION OF UNDULATORY UNDERWATER SWIMMING -A PILOT STUDY OF THREE DEIMENTIONAL ANALYSIS-. 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS 2016). (Tsukuba, Japan), 18-22 July 2016.
佐藤 裕紀
SATO H.Initiative for Validation of Prior Learning in Denmark:Disparity among Non- formal Adult Educational Institutions.The 45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA)(Copenhagen,Denmark),2017.3.23-25.
馬場 康博
Yasuhiro Baba, Daisuke Sato, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Rio Nara, Hirofumi Shimojo, Yusuke Ikeda, Yoshimitsu Shimoyama. Stroke phase discrimination in 1500m front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor device. 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne) . 2016.10.12~15.
Rio Nara, Yusuke Ikeda, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Daisuke Sato, Hirofumi Shimojo, Yasuhiro Baba, Yoshimitsu Shimoyama. The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference (Melbourne) . 2016.10.12~15.
中島 郁子
Eto K, Nakajima F, Kato M, Hamano R, Ozawa M. A Study of Sport Athletes’ Behavioural Characteristics: Analyses of Response Characteristics by the Hand Test. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama), 2016.7.24~7.29.
中澤 翔
Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. The effect of taping on pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials. 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ECSS 2016). (Vienna Austria), 2016.7.6-9.
奈良 梨央
Nara R, Ikeda Y, Ichikawa H, Sato D, Shimojo H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y. The relationship between the performance of backstroke start and medicine ball backward throwing. 2016 ASICS sports medicine Australia conference (Melboume, Australia), 2016.10.12-15.
Baba Y, Sato D, Ichikawa H, Shimojo H, Ikeda Y, Nara R, Sato A, Shimoyama Y. Stroke phase discrimination in 1500m front crawl swimming using a tri-axial inertial sensor divice. 2016 ASICS sports medicine Australia conference (Melboume, Australia), 2016.10.12-15.