


Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics and Assistive Technology

阿部 薫写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics and Assistive Technology

Kaoru Abe



資格1995年 義肢装具士
過去の経歴防衛医科大学校病院 防衛庁技官(医療職)を経て現職
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
Footwear Biomechanics Group, the International Society of Biomechanics





著書1. 実践リハ処方(共著), 医歯薬出版 1996
2. シューフィッター(プライマリー)養成講座テキスト第8版(共著), 一般社団法人足と靴と健康協議会 2004
3. シューフィッター(バチェラー)養成講座テキスト(共著), 一般社団法人足と靴と健康協議会 2006
4. 臨床歩行計測入門(共著), 医歯薬出版 2008
5. 福祉技術ハンドブック―健康な暮らしを支えるために―(共著), 朝倉書店 2013
6. 足育学 外来でみるフットケア・フットヘルスウェア(共著), 全日本病院出版会 2019
7. シューフィッター(バチェラー)養成講座テキスト(共著)新版, 一般社団法人足と靴と健康協議会 2020
8. 子どものスキンケア・ヘアケア・フットケア(共著), 学研メディカル秀潤社 2022
受賞歴1. 2003 日本義肢装具士協会 第1回POアカデミー論文賞
2. 2005 日本義肢装具士協会 第2回POアカデミー論文賞
3. 2005 台湾義肢装具学会(学術貢献) 感謝状
4. 2009 新潟医療福祉大学 Teacher of the year
5. 2010 台湾・高雄長庚記念病院(学術貢献) 感謝状
6. 2012 新潟医療福祉大学 Teacher of the year
7. 2012 第26回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
8. 2012 台湾・行政院衛生署桃園醫院(学術貢献) 感謝状
9. 2013 日本義肢装具士協会(永年役員) 感謝状
10. 2014 第28回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
11. 2015 第11回日本整形靴技術協会学術大会(学術貢献) 感謝状
12. 2015 第29回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
13. 2015 新潟医療福祉大学 Teacher of the year(殿堂入り)
14. 2015 日本義肢装具士協会 第3期(2013~2015年)最多単位取得者表彰
15. 2016 第30回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
16. 2017 日本整形靴技術協会(学術貢献) 感謝状
17. 2017 第31回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
18. 2018 第14回日本整形靴技術協会学術大会(学術貢献) 感謝状
19. 2018 日本義肢装具士協会 第4期(2014~2016年)最多単位取得者表彰
20. 2020 第34回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
21. 2022 第17回日本整形靴技術協会学術大会(学術貢献) 感謝状
22. 2023 第18回日本整形靴技術協会学術大会(学術貢献) 感謝状
23. 2023 2023國際足鞋學術研討會 台北榮民總醫院(学術貢献) 感謝状
24. 2023 2023國際足鞋學術研討會 台灣義肢装具学会(学術貢献) 感謝状
25. 2023 International Foot & footwear Scientific Conference 2023, Taiwan Foot & Shoes Health Association(学術貢献) 感謝状
26. 2023 第48回日本足の外科学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
27. 2024 第19回日本整形靴技術協会学術大会(学術貢献) 感謝状
28. 2024 日本義肢装具士協会 第6期(2020~2022年)最多単位取得者表彰
29. 2024 第38回日本靴医学会学術集会(学術貢献) 感謝状
研究論文(英文)1. Kaoru Abe. The Comparison of Static Balance, Walking Velocity and Energy Consumption in Thoracic Level Paraplegic Patients with KAFOs, WO and RGO. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 2006; 18(3),87-91.
2. Akira Matsuya, Kaoru Abe, Yoshitomo Sasamoto, Liu Wen-Lung. Running head: Investigation of the optimal location of the metatarsal pad in the standing position. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2016; 15(1),66-70.
3. Kaoru Abe. Gait Analysis through sound, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2016; 15(1),81-86.
4. Kentaro Nakayama, Kaoru Abe, Keiko Nagai, Kazuko Oi, Hiroshi Oi. Establishing reference sizes for the rear portion of the foot for use in designing lasts for women's shoes. Footwear Science. 2016; 9(1), 33-39.
5. Keiko Nagai, Kaoru Abe ; Investigation of components needed for simple shoes for use in facilities for the elderly. Journal of IVO Japan, 2016; 33-36.
6. Hirotaka Iijima, Hiroshi Ohi,Takuya Isho, Tomoki Aoyama, Naoto Fukutani, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Kaoru Abe, Hiroshi Kuroki, Shuichi Matsuda. Association of bilateral flat feet with knee pain and disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research . 2017; 35(11): 2490-2498.
7. Hiroshi Ohi, Hirotaka Iijima, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Kaoru Abe. Association of frontal plane knee alignment with foot posture in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2017; 18(1): 246. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1588-z.
8. Kanako Goto, Kaoru Abe. Gait characteristics in women's safety shoes. Applied Ergonomics . 2017; 65: 163-167.
9. Si-Huei Lee,Chi-Chun Kao,Hsin-Yu Chen,Chung-Tien Sui,Hung-Ta Wu,Kaoru Abe. Investigate the Predictive Value of Independent Variables for Structural Leg length Discrepancy. Journal of IVO Japan. 2017; 2, 21-28.
10. Hiroshi Ohi, Hirotaka Iijima, Naoto Fukutani, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Hiromu Ito, Shuichi Matsuda, Abe Kaoru. Varus thrust visualized during gait was associated with frontal rearfoot alignment in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Gait Posture . 2018; 61: 269-275.
11. Hirotaka Iijima, Hiroshi Ohi, Naoto Fukutani, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kaoru Abe. Inverted Rearfoot posture in subjects with coexisting patellofemoral osteoarthritis in medial knee osteoarthritis: an exploratory study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (2018) 11:17, DOI/10.1186/s13047-018-0261-6
12. Hyunho Lee,Hajime Ishikawa,Tatsuaki Shibuya,Chinatsu Takai,Yumi Nomura,Daisuke Kobayashi,Asami Abe,Hiroshi Otani,Satoshi Ito,Kiyoshi Nakazono,Keinosuke Ryu,Takao Ishii,Shu Saito, Kaoru Abe, Akira Murasawa. Changes in Radiographic Findings and Plantar Pressure Distribution Following Forefoot Reconstructive Surgery for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Modern Rheumatology (2019), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2019.1680094.
13. Kaoru Abe, Chiaki Inaoka, Hajime Yamauchi, Saki Ito, Koichi Nakabayashi, Ai Shoji, Yoshitomo Sasamoto. Improving digitus minimus varus angle by pressure on the abductor digiti minimi: a basic study. Journal of IVO Japan. 2020; 5, 35-40.
14. Si-Huei Lee, Bor-Shing Lin, Hsiang-Chen Lee, Xiao-Wei Huang, Ya-Chu Chi, Bor-Shyh Lin, Kaoru Abe. Artificial Intelligence-Based Assessment System for Evaluating Suitable Range of Heel Height. IEEE Access. 2021; 9, 38374-38385. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063912
15. Hyunho Lee, Hajime Ishikawa, Tatsuaki Shibuya, Chinatsu Takai,Tetsuya Nemoto, Yumi Nomura, Asami Abe, Hiroshi Otani, Satoshi Ito, Kiyoshi, Nakazono, Kaoru Abe, Kazuyoshi Nakanishi, Akira Murasawa. The Combination of Modified Mitchell’s Osteotomy and Shortening Oblique osteotomy for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: an Analysis of Changes in Plantar Pressure Distribution. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9948. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18199948.
学会・職能団体の委員1. 日本整形靴技術協会 会長/理事/編集委員長
2. 日本靴医学会 理事/靴医学教育普及委員会担当理事/論文賞選考委員
3. 台灣足鞋健康協會 榮譽顧問
4. 一般社団法人足と靴と健康協議会 理事
5. 日本フットケア・足病医学会 教育・研修委員
6. 第38回日本靴医学会学術集会 会長
学内委員会活動1. 大学院入試広報委員会
2. 大学院教育研究環境委員会
3. 大学院教務委員会
4. (学部)入試委員会


Research AreasProsthetics and Orthotics, gait analysis, shoes function
Research IntroductionProsthetics and Orthotics, gait analysis, shoes function
BooksProsthetics and Orthotics, gait analysis, shoes function
Papers1. 2006 Kaoru Abe. The Comparison of Static Balance, Walking Velocity and Energy Consumption in Thoracic Level Paraplegic Patients with KAFOs, WO and RGO. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 2006; 18(3),87-91.
2. 2016 Akira Matsuya, Kaoru Abe, Yoshitomo Sasamoto, Liu Wen-Lung. Running head: Investigation of the optimal location of the metatarsal pad in the standing position. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2016; 15(1),66-70.
3. 2016 Kaoru Abe. Gait Analysis through sound, Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2016; 15(1),81-86.
4. 2016 Kentaro Nakayama, Kaoru Abe, Keiko Nagai, Kazuko Oi, Hiroshi Oi. Establishing reference sizes for the rear portion of the foot for use in designing lasts for women's shoes. Footwear Science. 2016; 9(1), 33-39.
5. 2016 Keiko Nagai, Kaoru Abe ; Investigation of components needed for simple shoes for use in facilities for the elderly. Journal of IVO Japan, 2016; 33-36.
6. 2017 Hirotaka Iijima, Hiroshi Ohi,Takuya Isho, Tomoki Aoyama, Naoto Fukutani, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Kaoru Abe, Hiroshi Kuroki, Shuichi Matsuda. Association of bilateral flat feet with knee pain and disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research . 2017; 35(11): 2490-2498.
7. 2017 Hiroshi Ohi, Hirotaka Iijima, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Kaoru Abe. Association of frontal plane knee alignment with foot posture in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2017; 18(1): 246. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1588-z.
8. 2017 Kanako Goto, Kaoru Abe. Gait characteristics in women's safety shoes. Applied Ergonomics . 2017; 65: 163-167.
9. 2017 Si-Huei Lee,Chi-Chun Kao,Hsin-Yu Chen,Chung-Tien Sui,Hung-Ta Wu,Kaoru Abe. Investigate the Predictive Value of Independent Variables for Structural Leg length Discrepancy. Journal of IVO Japan. 2017; 2, 21-28.
10. 2018 Hiroshi Ohi, Hirotaka Iijima, Naoto Fukutani, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kazuko Ohi, Hiromu Ito, Shuichi Matsuda, Abe Kaoru. Varus thrust visualized during gait was associated with frontal rearfoot alignment in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Gait Posture . 2018; 61: 269-275.
11. 2018 Hirotaka Iijima, Hiroshi Ohi, Naoto Fukutani, Tomoki Aoyama, Eishi Kaneda, Kaoru Abe. Inverted Rearfoot posture in subjects with coexisting patellofemoral osteoarthritis in medial knee osteoarthritis: an exploratory study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (2018) 11:17, DOI/10.1186/s13047-018-0261-6
12. 2019 Hyunho Lee,Hajime Ishikawa,Tatsuaki Shibuya,Chinatsu Takai,Yumi Nomura,Daisuke Kobayashi,Asami Abe,Hiroshi Otani,Satoshi Ito,Kiyoshi Nakazono,Keinosuke Ryu,Takao Ishii,Shu Saito, Kaoru Abe, Akira Murasawa. Changes in Radiographic Findings and Plantar Pressure Distribution Following Forefoot Reconstructive Surgery for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Modern Rheumatology (2019), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2019.1680094.
13. 2020 Kaoru Abe, Chiaki Inaoka, Hajime Yamauchi, Saki Ito, Koichi Nakabayashi, Ai Shoji, Yoshitomo Sasamoto. Improving digitus minimus varus angle by pressure on the abductor digiti minimi: a basic study. Journal of IVO Japan. 2020; 5, 35-40.
14. 2021 Si-Huei Lee, Bor-Shing Lin, Hsiang-Chen Lee, Xiao-Wei Huang, Ya-Chu Chi, Bor-Shyh Lin, Kaoru Abe. Artificial Intelligence-Based Assessment System for Evaluating Suitable Range of Heel Height. IEEE Access. 2021; 9, 38374-38385. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063912
15. 2021 Hyunho Lee, Hajime Ishikawa, Tatsuaki Shibuya, Chinatsu Takai,Tetsuya Nemoto, Yumi Nomura, Asami Abe, Hiroshi Otani, Satoshi Ito, Kiyoshi, Nakazono, Kaoru Abe, Kazuyoshi Nakanishi, Akira Murasawa. The Combination of Modified Mitchell’s Osteotomy and Shortening Oblique osteotomy for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: an Analysis of Changes in Plantar Pressure Distribution. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9948. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18199948.
Prosthetics and Orthotics, gait analysis, shoes function