Department of Radiological Technology 診療放射線学科
Faculty of Medical Technology/Department of Radiological Technology
櫻井 典子 Noriko Sakurai
担当科目 | 基礎ゼミ、連携基礎ゼミ、診療画像検査技術学ⅠⅡ、診療画像検査技術学実習ⅠⅡ、放射線物理学、放射線物理学演習、実践臨床画像学ⅠⅡ |
専門分野 | 診療画像検査技術学、脳機能計測学 |
学位・称号/取得機関/取得年 | 博士(保健学)/新潟医療福祉大学/2023年 |
資格 | 1990年度 診療放射線技師免許 2019年度 臨床実習指導教員 2019年度 医療画像情報精度管理士 |
所属団体・学会等 | 日本診療放射線技師会、新潟県診療放射線技師会、日本放射線技師教育学会、日本認知症予防学会 |
研究領域 | 画像診断部門のComputer-Aided Diagnosis(CAD)、機能的MRIによる脳機能の解明 |
研究紹介 | 人口知能(AI)の発展が目覚ましい現代です。医療の世界でもAIの研究開発は進んでいます。その中の画像診断部門におけるコンピュータ支援診断システム(CAD)を研究のテーマとしています。病気の早期発見早期治療や見落とし防止に繋がります。また機能的磁気共鳴装置(fMRI)によるヒトの情動と脳機能との関係を研究しています。ヒトの情動によって脳の活動する場所が違います。まだまだ未知なる脳の活動を非侵襲のMRI装置を使って解明することを研究テーマとしています。 |
受賞歴 | 1. 2019.1 第19回新潟医療福祉学会学術集会 新潟医療福祉学会賞奨励賞 |
研究論文(英文) | 1. Sasaki R, Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Watanabe H, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Onishi H. Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype on short-latency afferent inhibition and motor cortex metabolites Brain Sciences 2021,3 11(3) 395-395 2. Sakurai N, Takahashi S, TakahashiD, Kodama N . The Usefulness of Bone Suppression Image-Based Temporal Subtraction Processing for the Improvement of Lung Nodule Detection on Chest Radiograph Images. Journal of Japan Association of Radiological Technologists English edition. 2021,6 Vol.67, No.81 3. Sasaki R, Watanabe H, Miyaguchi S, Otsuru N, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Onishi H. Contribution of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurometabolites to the motor performance. Behavioural brain research 2021,6 412 113433-113433 4. Watanabe H, Kojima S, Nagasaka K, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Gray Matter Volume Variability in Young Healthy Adults: Influence of Gender Difference and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Genotype. Cerebral cortex 2021,10 Vol. 00, No. 00 1-9 5. Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kasai S, Nagasaka K, Onishi H, Kodama N. Induction of relaxation by autonomous sensory meridian response. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 2021,11 vol15 761621 6. Nagasaka K, Otsuru N, Sato R, Watanabe H, Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kodama N, Onishi H. Cortical signature related to psychometric properties of pain vigilance in healthy individuals: a voxel-based morphometric study. Neuroscience Letters 2022,1 772 136445 7. Takahashi S, Sakurai N, Kasai S, Kodama N. Stress evaluation by hemoglobin concentration change using mobile NIRS. Brain Sciences 2022,4 12(4), 488 8. Onishi H , Nagasaka K, Yokota H, Kojima S, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Otsuru N. Association between somatosensory sensitivity and regional gray matter volume in healthy young volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study. Cerebral Cortex 2022,4 1-10 9. Kobayashi R, Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Kasai S, Kodama N. Relationship between Tactile Sensation, Motor Activity, and Differential Brain Activity in Young Individuals. Brain Sciences 2022,7 12, 924 10. Takahashi S, Tomita Y, Tanaka S, Sakurai N, Kodama N. Prefrontal Cerebral Oxygenated Hemoglobin Concentration during the Category Fluency and Finger-Tapping Tasks in Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Brain Sciences 2022,9 12, 1636 11. Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Takahashi S, Kasai S, Onishi H, Kodama N. Brain function effects of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) video viewing. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023, 1 17:1025745. 12. Sasaki K, Sakurai N, Yuguchi Y, Kasai S, Kodama N Identification of areas of the brain activated by active stimulation in hairless skin Behavioural Brain Research 2023, 11 458 13. Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Sasaki K, Yuguchi Y, Takahashi S, Kasai S, Onishi H, Kodama N The Relaxation Effect of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Depends on Personal Preference Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2023, 12 .1249176 14. Yamamoto S , Okada Y , Yoshida N , Takeshita K , Sakurai N , Ichikawa A, Takimoto M An investigation into the effect of different static magnetic fields of 1.5-T and 3.0-T MRI on the measurement of tumor diameters in breast cancer. Cureus 2024, 1 15. Ikarashi H, Otsuru N, J Gomez-Tames, Hirata A, Nagasaka K, Miyaguchi S, Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kodama N, Onishi H Modulation of pain perception through transcranial alternating current stimulation and its nonlinear relationship with the simulated electric field magnitude European Journal of Pain 2024, 1 2249 16. Takahashi S, Takahashi D, Kuroiwa Y, Sakurai N and Kodama N Construction and evaluation of a neurofeedback system using finger tapping and near-infrared Frontiers inNeuroimaging 2024, 4 .1361513 17. Yamamoto S, Yoshida N, Sakurai N, Ichikawa A, Takeshita K, Okada Y. Differentiation Between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Using Abdominal Computed Tomography in Patients With First-Time Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cureus 2024, 55 |
研究論文(和文) | 1. 櫻井典子,高橋真悟,児玉直樹: Bone Suppression処理における肺野領域の視認性評価と骨減弱の信号値プロファイル解析. 日本診療放射線技師会誌 2017.11 Vol.64/No.781 2. 櫻井典子,高橋真悟,高橋大志,児玉直樹 胸部X線画像のTemporal Subtraction処理における病変検出能向上のためのBone Suppression処理の有用性 . 日本診療放射線技師会誌 2020.6 Vol.67/No.812 3. 櫻井 典子 ,甲斐 千遥 ,長 和弘 ,近藤 敏志,児玉 直樹 ,笠井 聡 乳房X線画像における乳房構成解析(Breast Density Assessment)ソフトウエアの有用性 日本診療放射線技師会誌 2023, 7 Vol. 70No. |
学会等研究発表 | 1. 櫻井典子,児玉直樹 胸部X線画像のBone Suppression処理における骨と重畳する模擬腫瘤の信号値プロファイル解析 第35回日本診療放射線技師学術大会 2019, 10 2. 櫻井典子 胸部X線画像のポジショニング不良によるTemporal Subtraction処理への影響 第19回新潟医療福祉学会学術集会 2019, 10 3. 櫻井典子,大野健,児玉直樹 fMRIによるASMR視聴で誘発されるリラックス状態の脳機能解明 第20回新潟医療福祉学会学術集会 2020, 10 4. 櫻井典子,大野健,児玉直樹 機能的MRIにおけるASMRが脳機能に与える影響 第36回日本診療放射線技師学術大会 2021, 1 5. 櫻井典子,田中桃花, 大野健, 笠井聡,児玉直樹 甘味と苦味の刺激に対する若者の脳機能の解明 第21回新潟医療福祉学会学術集会 2021, 10 6. Noriko Sakurai,Ken Ono,Satoshi Kasai . Elucidation of brain function in the relaxation effect of ASMR. 23nd Asia-Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists 2021, 11 7. 櫻井典子, 児玉直樹 機能的MRIを用いたASMRによる脳機能メカニズム 第77回新潟県診療放射線技師会学術集会 2022, 5 8. 櫻井典子,大野健,児玉直樹 機能的MRIを用いた若年層による表情認知の検討 第21回新潟医療福祉学会学術集会 2022, 10 |
Research Areas | Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) in the Diagnostic Imaging Division, Elucidation of brain function using functional MRI |
Research Introduction | The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is remarkable today. Research and development of AI is also progressing in the medical field. One of our research themes is computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems in the diagnostic imaging department. This will lead to early detection of diseases, early treatment and prevention of oversights. We are also studying the relationship between human emotions and brain functions using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The location of brain activity differs depending on the emotion of the person. Our research theme is to elucidate the still unknown brain activity using non-invasive MRI. |
Papers | 1. 2020年度 Sasaki R, Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Watanabe H, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Onishi H. Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype on short-latency afferent inhibition and motor cortex metabolites Brain Sciences 2021,3 11(3) 395-395 2. 2021年度 Sakurai N, Takahashi S, TakahashiD, Kodama N . The Usefulness of Bone Suppression Image-Based Temporal Subtraction Processing for the Improvement of Lung Nodule Detection on Chest Radiograph Images. Journal of Japan Association of Radiological Technologists English edition. 2021,6 Vol.67, No.81 3. 2021年度 Sasaki R, Watanabe H, Miyaguchi S, Otsuru N, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Onishi H. Contribution of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurometabolites to the motor performance. Behavioural brain research 2021,6 412 113433-113433 4. 2021年度 Watanabe H, Kojima S, Nagasaka K, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Gray Matter Volume Variability in Young Healthy Adults: Influence of Gender Difference and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Genotype. Cerebral cortex 2021,10 Vol. 00, No. 00 1-9 5. 2021年度 Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kasai S, Nagasaka K, Onishi H, Kodama N. Induction of relaxation by autonomous sensory meridian response. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 2021,11 vol15 761621 6. 2021年度 Nagasaka K, Otsuru N, Sato R, Watanabe H, Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kodama N, Onishi H. Cortical signature related to psychometric properties of pain vigilance in healthy individuals: a voxel-based morphometric study. Neuroscience Letters 2022,1 772 136445 7. 2022年度 Takahashi S, Sakurai N, Kasai S, Kodama N. Stress evaluation by hemoglobin concentration change using mobile NIRS. Brain Sciences 2022,4 12(4), 488 8. 2022年度 Onishi H , Nagasaka K, Yokota H, Kojima S, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Otsuru N. Association between somatosensory sensitivity and regional gray matter volume in healthy young volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study. Cerebral Cortex 2022,4 1-10 9. 2022年度 Kobayashi R, Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Kasai S, Kodama N. Relationship between Tactile Sensation, Motor Activity, and Differential Brain Activity in Young Individuals. Brain Sciences 2022,7 12, 924 10. 2022年度 Takahashi S, Tomita Y, Tanaka S, Sakurai N, Kodama N. Prefrontal Cerebral Oxygenated Hemoglobin Concentration during the Category Fluency and Finger-Tapping Tasks in Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Brain Sciences 2022,9 12, 1636 11. 2022年度 Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Takahashi S, Kasai S, Onishi H, Kodama N. Brain function effects of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) video viewing. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023, 1 17:1025745. 12. 2023 Sasaki K, Sakurai N, Yuguchi Y, Kasai S, Kodama N Identification of areas of the brain activated by active stimulation in hairless skin Behavioural Brain Research 2023, 11 458 13. 2023 Sakurai N, Nagasaka K, Sasaki K, Yuguchi Y, Takahashi S, Kasai S, Onishi H, Kodama N The Relaxation Effect of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Depends on Personal Preference Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2023, 12 .1249176 14. 2024 Yamamoto S , Okada Y , Yoshida N , Takeshita K , Sakurai N , Ichikawa A, Takimoto M An investigation into the effect of different static magnetic fields of 1.5-T and 3.0-T MRI on the measurement of tumor diameters in breast cancer. Cureus 2024, 1 15. 2024 Ikarashi H, Otsuru N, J Gomez-Tames, Hirata A, Nagasaka K, Miyaguchi S, Sakurai N, Ohno K, Kodama N, Onishi H Modulation of pain perception through transcranial alternating current stimulation and its nonlinear relationship with the simulated electric field magnitude European Journal of Pain 2024, 1 2249 16. 2024 Takahashi S, Takahashi D, Kuroiwa Y, Sakurai N and Kodama N Construction and evaluation of a neurofeedback system using finger tapping and near-infrared Frontiers inNeuroimaging 2024, 4 .1361513 17. 2024 Yamamoto S, Yoshida N, Sakurai N, Ichikawa A, Takeshita K, Okada Y. Differentiation Between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Using Abdominal Computed Tomography in Patients With First-Time Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cureus 2024, 55 |