


Department of Clinical Engineering and Medical Technology

藤井 豊写真

Faculty of Medical Technology/Department of Clinical Engineering and Medical Technology

Yutaka Fujii








著書1. 白井幹康, James Pearson, Daryl Schwenke, 曽野部崇, 藤井豊, 吉本光左, 徳留健, 清水壽一郎 寒川賢治, 梅谷啓二, 八木直人 「SPring-8 高輝度放射光を用いた小動物の心臓・血管機能の画像解析循環器病研究の進歩」(通巻50号)Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅠ.No.1. 協和企画 2010; p68~80
受賞歴1. 日本人工臓器学会 Grant MERA 2017
2. 日本臨床工学会 Best Presentation Award 2016 優秀賞
3. 日本臨床工学会 Best Presentation Award 2015 若手奨励賞
4. 日本体外循環医学会 2014年 Grant
研究論文(英文)1. Fujii Y, et.al. Establishment of a Novel Miniature Double-Lumen Catheter Single-Cannulation Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Model in the Rat. Membranes (Basel) 2024; 14(3):55. PMID: 38535274
2. Fujii Y, et.al. Diabetic Pathophysiology Enhances Inflammation during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in a Rat Model. Membranes (Basel). 2021; 11(4):283. PMID: 33920465
3. Fujii Y, et.al. Establishment of a novel miniature veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) model in the rat. Artif Organs. 2021; 45(1):63-67. PMID: 32645762
4. Fujii Y, et.al. Development of a pulsatile flow-generating circulatory assist device (K-Beat) for use with veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a pig model study. Biology (Basel). 2020; 9(6):121. PMID: 32545599
5. Fujii Y, et.al. PaO2 greater than 300 mmHg promotes an inflammatory response during extracorporeal circulation in a rat extracorporeal membrane oxygenation model. J Thorac Dis 2020; 12(3):749-757. PMID: 32274141
6. Fujii Y, et.al. Effect of hydroxyethyl starch priming on the systemic inflammatory response and lung edema following cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. ASAIO J. 2017; 63(5):618-623. PubMed: 28187046
7. Fujii Y, et.al. Cardiopulmonary bypass with low-versus high-priming volume: comparison of inflammatory responses in a rat model. ASAIO J. 2016; 62(3):286-90.PubMed: 26809082
8. Fujii Y, et.al. Changes in inflammatory response during and after cardiopulmonary bypass using a rat extracorporeal circulation model. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015; 957-60. PubMed: 26736422
9. Fujii Y, et.al. A novel small animal extracorporeal circulation model for studying pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary bypass. J Artif Organs. 2015; 18(1):35-9. PubMed : 25373368
10. Fujii Y, et.al. Investigation of the biological effects of artificial perfusion using rat extracorporeal circulation model. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014; 4483-6. PubMed: 25570987
11. Fujii Y, et.al. Hyperoxic condition promotes an inflammatory response during cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. Artif Organs. 2013; 37(12):1034-40. PubMed: 23865518
12. Fujii Y, et.al. Insufflation of hydrogen gas restrains the inflammatory response of cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. Artif Organs. 2013; 37(2):136-41.PubMed: 23020073
研究論文(和文)1. 藤井豊, ら. 補助循環中の炎症反応抑制を目指した白血球除去カラムの開発 -ラット補助循環モデルを用いた検討- ICUとCCU 2015; 39(10):627-634
総説・解説1. Fujii Y. Evaluation of Inflammation Caused by Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Small Animal Model. Biology (Basel). 2020; 9(4). Review. PMID: 32326072
2. Fujii Y. The potential of the novel leukocyte removal filter in cardiopulmonary bypass. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2016; 13(1):5-14. PubMed: 26613267
科学研究費1. 2024年度- 基盤研究(C) 酸素ウルトラファインバブル溶液による腹膜を介した革新的呼吸補助法の創出
2. 2018-2021年度 基盤研究(C) 重症呼吸器疾患に対する補助循環治療効果を明確にする -小動物モデルでの検討-
3. 2015-2017年度 若手研究 糖尿病患者が補助循環中に受ける炎症と臓器傷害の機序解明 -小動物モデル評価-
4. 2013-2014年度 若手研究 体外循環中の高酸素管理下における炎症反応機序の解明 -理想的な体外循環法の検討-
学会・職能団体の委員1. 2018年度 ‐ 現在 日本体外循環医学会 学術委員会 研究推進部会 部会員
2. 2017年度 ‐ 現在 日本人工臓器学会 選出評議員
学内委員会活動1. 新潟連携教育研究センター運営委員会(委員長)
2. URA推進室(委員)


Research Areascardiovascular physiology
Research IntroductionMy research interests include advanced extracorporeal circulatory support; artificial lungs; cardiopulmonary bypass. I have also been awarded funding for his research on small animal extracorporeal circulation model.
BooksRecent advances in cardiovascular disease. Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅠ No.1(2010.11)p68~80
Papers1. Fujii Y, et.al. Establishment of a Novel Miniature Double-Lumen Catheter Single-Cannulation Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Model in the Rat. Membranes (Basel) 2024; 14(3):55. PMID: 38535274
2. Fujii Y, et.al. Diabetic Pathophysiology Enhances Inflammation during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in a Rat Model. Membranes (Basel). 2021; 11(4):283. PMID: 33920465
3. Fujii Y, et.al. Establishment of a novel miniature veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) model in the rat. Artif Organs. 2021; 45(1):63-67. PMID: 32645762
4. Fujii Y, et.al. Development of a pulsatile flow-generating circulatory assist device (K-Beat) for use with veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a pig model study. Biology (Basel). 2020; 9(6):121. PMID: 32545599
5. Fujii Y, et.al. PaO2 greater than 300 mmHg promotes an inflammatory response during extracorporeal circulation in a rat extracorporeal membrane oxygenation model. J Thorac Dis 2020; 12(3):749-757. PMID: 32274141
6. Fujii Y, et.al. Effect of hydroxyethyl starch priming on the systemic inflammatory response and lung edema following cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. ASAIO J. 2017; 63(5):618-623. PubMed: 28187046
7. Fujii Y, et.al. Cardiopulmonary bypass with low-versus high-priming volume: comparison of inflammatory responses in a rat model. ASAIO J. 2016; 62(3):286-90.PubMed: 26809082
8. Fujii Y, et.al. Changes in inflammatory response during and after cardiopulmonary bypass using a rat extracorporeal circulation model. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015; 957-60. PubMed: 26736422
9. Fujii Y, et.al. A novel small animal extracorporeal circulation model for studying pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary bypass. J Artif Organs. 2015; 18(1):35-9. PubMed : 25373368
10. Fujii Y, et.al. Investigation of the biological effects of artificial perfusion using rat extracorporeal circulation model. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014; 4483-6. PubMed: 25570987
11. Fujii Y, et.al. Hyperoxic condition promotes an inflammatory response during cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. Artif Organs. 2013; 37(12):1034-40. PubMed: 23865518
12. Fujii Y, et.al. Insufflation of hydrogen gas restrains the inflammatory response of cardiopulmonary bypass in a rat model. Artif Organs. 2013; 37(2):136-41.PubMed: 23020073