


Department of Health and Sports

山代 幸哉写真

Koya Yamashiro



資格2007 高校保健体育専修免許
2014 日本体育協会公認コーチ(陸上)



研究領域1. 脳内情報を基にしたアスリートの慢性疼痛の評価と対処法の創出
2. アスリートの感覚情報処理に関する研究
3. 非侵襲的脳刺激に関する研究


受賞歴1. アジア・オセアニア臨床神経生理学会トラベルアワード受賞
研究論文(英文)1. Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Anazawa S, Makibuchi T, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Reduced somatosensory evoked potentials and paired‑pulse inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex of athletes with chronic pain European Journal of Applied Physioilogy 2023 123(11):2537-2543
2. Makibuchi T, Yamashiro K, Anazawa S, Fujimoto T, Ikarashi K, Ochi G, Sato D Assessing the Effects of the Topical Application of L-Menthol on Pain-Related Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials Using Intra-Epidermal Stimulation Brain Sciences 2023 13(6):918
3. Anazawa S, Yamashiro K, Makibuchi T, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Sex Differences in Excitatory and Inhibitory Function in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex during the Early Follicular Phase: A Preliminary Study Brain Sciences 2023 13(5):761
4. Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Makibuchi Y,Anazawa S, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Transcranial high-frequency random noise stimulation does not modulate Nogo N2 and Go/Nogo reaction times in somatosensory and auditory modalities Scientific Reports 2023 11:3014
5. Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Shiiya K, Ikarashi K, Baba Y, Otsuru N, Onishi H & Sato D Modality‑specific improvements in sensory processing among baseball players Scientific Reports Scientific Reports 2021 11:2014
6. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Otsuru N, Kirimoto H, Nakazawa S, Yamazaki Y, Shirozu H and Maruyama A. Change-driven M100 component in the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex: a magnetoencephalographic study. BrainTopography 2019 32,435–444
7. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Shimojo H, Akatsuka K, Nakata H, Maruyama A Skill-Specific Changes in Somatosensory Nogo Potentials in Baseball Players. PLoS One 2015 10(11):e0142581
8. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Kameyama S, Maruyama A. Effect of changes in stimulus site on activation of the posterior parietal cortex. Brain Topography 2015 28(2):261-8 3;226 (4): 495-502
9. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Yoshida T, Horiuchi Y, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory-evoked potentials and reaction times in baseball players Experimental Brain Research 2013 225(2):197-203.
10. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Urakawa T, Kakigi R. Temporal window of integration in the somatosensory modality: An MEG study. Clinical Neurophysiology 2011 122(11): 2276-2281.
11. Akiyama L.F, Yamashiro K, Inui K, Kakigi R Automatic cortical response to sound movement a magnetoencephalography study. Neurosci Letters 2011 488(2): 183-187
12. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Urakawa T, Kakigi R Change-rerated response in the human auditory cortex: An MEG study. Psychophysiology 2011 48:23-30
13. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kid Automatic auditory off-response in humans: an MEG study. European Journal of Neuroscience 2009 30 (1):125-131
14. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kida T, Kakigi R Somatosensory off-response in humans: an MEG study. NeuroImage 2009 44:1363-1368
15. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kida T, Akatsuka K, Kakigi R Somatosensory off-response in humans: an ERP study. Experimental Brain Research 2008 190:207-213
研究論文(和文)1. 山代幸哉,佐藤大輔,大西秀明,中澤翔,下門洋文,山﨑雄大,丸山敦夫. テーピングが痛覚関連体性感覚誘発電位に及ぼす影響. 体力科学65(4), 65 巻 4 号 p. 393-400
2. 山代幸哉、佐藤大輔、吉田拓矢、石川知志、大西秀明、丸山敦夫 伸縮性テーピングが長潜時体性感覚誘発電位に及ぼす影響 体力科学 61 巻 3 号 p. 307-312
総説・解説1. 2018 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H Plastic changes in an athlete’s brain. Adv.Exerc.Sports Physiol Vol24, No1, pp1-5
科学研究費1. 基盤研究(B) 「脳内情報を基にした慢性疼痛アスリートの評価法と対処法の創出」
2. 基盤研究(C) 「アスリートの慢性痛に伴う過剰注意の脳活動解明と競技早期復帰を目指した評価指標構築」
3. 若手研究 「両手運動時の感覚運動野の活動特性の解明」
4. 若手研究 「脳磁図を用いた体性感覚及び聴覚の変化検出機構の解明」
学会・職能団体の委員1. 日本生体磁気学会 評議員


Research AreasExcercise Physiology
Research IntroductionInvestigation of sensory function in athlete using EEG
Papers1. 2023 Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Anazawa S, Makibuchi T, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Reduced somatosensory evoked potentials and paired‑pulse inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex of athletes with chronic pain European Journal of Applied Physioilogy 2023 123(11):2537-2543
2. 2023 Makibuchi T, Yamashiro K, Anazawa S, Fujimoto T, Ikarashi K, Ochi G, Sato D Assessing the Effects of the Topical Application of L-Menthol on Pain-Related Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials Using Intra-Epidermal Stimulation Brain Sciences 2023 13(6):918
3. 2023 Anazawa S, Yamashiro K, Makibuchi T, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Sex Differences in Excitatory and Inhibitory Function in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex during the Early Follicular Phase: A Preliminary Study Brain Sciences 2023 13(5):761
4. 2023 Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Makibuchi Y,Anazawa S, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D Transcranial high-frequency random noise stimulation does not modulate Nogo N2 and Go/Nogo reaction times in somatosensory and auditory modalities Scientific Reports 2023 11:3014
5. 2021 Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Shiiya K, Ikarashi K, Baba Y, Otsuru N, Onishi H & Sato D Modality‑specific improvements in sensory processing among baseball players Scientific Reports Scientific Reports 2021 11:2014
6. 2019 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Otsuru N, Kirimoto H, Nakazawa S, Yamazaki Y, Shirozu H and Maruyama A. Change-driven M100 component in the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex: a magnetoencephalographic study. BrainTopography 2019 32,435–444
7. 2015 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Shimojo H, Akatsuka K, Nakata H, Maruyama A Skill-Specific Changes in Somatosensory Nogo Potentials in Baseball Players. PLoS One 2015 10(11):e0142581
8. 2015 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Kameyama S, Maruyama A. Effect of changes in stimulus site on activation of the posterior parietal cortex. Brain Topography 2015 28(2):261-8 3;226 (4): 495-502
9. 2013 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Yoshida T, Horiuchi Y, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory-evoked potentials and reaction times in baseball players Experimental Brain Research 2013 225(2):197-203.
10. 2011 Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Urakawa T, Kakigi R. Temporal window of integration in the somatosensory modality: An MEG study. Clinical Neurophysiology 2011 122(11): 2276-2281.
11. 2011 Akiyama L.F, Yamashiro K, Inui K, Kakigi R Automatic cortical response to sound movement a magnetoencephalography study. Neurosci Letters 2011 488(2): 183-187
12. 2011 Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Urakawa T, Kakigi R Change-rerated response in the human auditory cortex: An MEG study. Psychophysiology 2011 48:23-30
13. 2009 Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kid Automatic auditory off-response in humans: an MEG study. European Journal of Neuroscience 2009 30 (1):125-131
14. 2009 Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kida T, Kakigi R Somatosensory off-response in humans: an MEG study. NeuroImage 2009 44:1363-1368
15. 2008 Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kida T, Akatsuka K, Kakigi R Somatosensory off-response in humans: an ERP study. Experimental Brain Research 2008 190:207-213
Modality‑specific improvements in sensory processing among baseball players