


Department of Physical Therapy

太田 大樹写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Hiroki Ota








受賞歴1. 第20回新潟医療福祉学会 奨励賞
2. 2009年名古屋大学学術奨励賞
研究論文(英文)1. Ota H, Oi R, Katanosaka K, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Expression profiles of Tmem120A/TACAN in rat skeletal muscle subjected to exercise and inflammation Pain Research 2024 39: 35–39
2. Nasu T*, Kainuma R*, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Increased nociceptive behaviors and spinal c-Fos expression in the formalin test in a rat repeated cold stress model Neurosci Res 2024 198: 30–38
3. Hanada K, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Pressure pain threshold map of thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles after lengthening contractions in young male asymptomatic volunteers. Scientific Reports 2022 12: 15825
4. Ejiri Y, Uta D, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Nociceptive chemical hypersensitivity in the spinal cord of a rat reserpine-induced fibromyalgia model. Neuroscience Research, 2022 181: 87–94
5. Ota H, Takebe H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Responses of cutaneous C-fiber afferents and spinal microglia after hindlimb cast immobilization in rats. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2021 71(1): 19
6. Ota H, Katanosaka K, Murase S, Furuyashiki T, Narumiya S, Mizumura K. EP2 receptor plays pivotal roles in generating mechanical hyperalgesia after lengthening contractions. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2018 28(3): 826–833,
7. Ota H, Katanosaka K, Murase S, Kashio M, Tominaga M, Mizumura K. TRPV1 and TRPV4 play pivotal roles in delayed onset muscle soreness. PLOS ONE 2013 8: e65751
8. Murase S, Terazawa E, Hirate K, Yamanaka H, Kanda H, Noguchi K, Ota H, Queme F, Taguchi T, Mizumura K. Upregulated glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor through cyclooxygenase-2 activation in the muscle is required for mechanical hyperalgesia after exercise in rats. The Journal of Physiology 2013 591(12): 3035–3048
9. Taguchi T, Ota H, Matsuda T, Murase S, Mizumura K. Cutaneous C-fiber nociceptor responses and nociceptive behaviors in aged Sprague-Dawley rats. Pain 2010 151: 771–782
10. Murase S, Terazawa E, Queme F, Ota H, Matsuda T, Hirate K, Kozaki Y, Katanosaka K, Taguchi T, Urai H, Mizumura K. Bradykinin and nerve growth factor play pivotal roles in muscular mechanical hyperalgesia after exercise (delayed-onset muscle soreness). Journal of Neuroscience 2010 30(10): 3752–3761
研究論文(和文)1. 阿部 弘之, 丹羽 孝仁, 溝口 佳宏, 大塚 博史, 太田 大樹. 栃木県内市町における介護予防・日常生活支援総合事業への柔道整復師参入の現状とその背景―栃木県柔道整復師会への訪問面接調査から―. 社会医療研究 2023 21
2. 太田大樹, 大井理史, 片野坂公明, 田口徹. 遅発性筋痛モデルラットの筋におけるTACAN発現変化の部位差. PAIN RESEARCH 2022 37(3): 153–156,
3. 宮原謙一郎, 若月康次, 坪島功幸, 太田大樹, 片野坂公明, 水村和枝, 西条寿夫, 田口徹. レセルピン投与による線維筋痛症モデルラットにおける骨格筋の組織学的変化. 理学療法学 2022 49(4): 306–312,
4. 井上創太, 太田大樹, 田口徹. 社会的敗北ストレスモデルラットでは侵害刺激に対する脊髄後角表層ニューロンの興奮性が増大する. 基礎理学療法学 2022 25(1): 35–42,
5. 田口徹, 太田大樹, 若月康次, 濱上陽平. 筋・筋膜性疼痛および線維筋痛症の末梢神経機構. ペインクリニック 2018 39(別冊春号): S61–S68,
6. 榎並大樹, 大木祥平, 黒澤隼人, 小竹佑磨, 中山誉也, 太田大樹. 伸張性収縮直後の超音波照射による遅発性筋痛への鎮痛効果の可能性. 帝京大学医療技術学部紀要 2018 6: 33–38,
総説・解説1. 田口徹, 太田大樹, 水村和枝. 遅発性筋痛の最新メカニズム 日本運動器疼痛学会学会誌 2022 14(3): 195–203
2. 田口徹, 太田大樹, 若月康次, 濱上陽平. 筋・筋膜性疼痛および線維筋痛症の末梢神経機構 ペインクリニック 2018 39(別冊春号): S61–68
科学研究費1. 令和5–7年度: 基盤研究(C) 遅発性筋痛の筋膜における発現変動因子の同定と機械痛覚過敏への関与解明
2. 令和2–4年度: 基盤研究(C) 遅発性筋痛における機械感受性イオンチャネルの役割の解明
3. 平成30–31年度: 若手研究 有効な治療法確立に向けた骨格筋侵害受容器の電気生理学的分類と局所的遺伝子解析
4. 平成26–28年度: 若手研究 骨格筋新規侵害受容器の同定と痛覚過敏への関与の解明
共同研究・受託研究 等1. 令和3年度: 公益財団法人中冨健康科学振興財団 研究助成金 遅発性筋痛における筋膜発現因子の同定と機能解明
2. 平成30年度: 日本私立学校振興・共済事業団 若手研究者奨励金 研究助成金 多角的アプローチによる骨格筋侵害受容器の定量的分類
3. 平成27年度: 公益財団法人中冨健康科学振興財団 研究助成金 骨格筋新規侵害受容器の活性化機構の解明
4. 平成27年度: 公益財団法人上原記念生命科学財団 研究助成金 骨格筋における「非活動性侵害受容器」の解明


Research AreasElucidation of the functions of new fiber populations involved in pain;
Elucidation of the mechanisms of delayed onset muscle soreness
Research IntroductionMany people are suffering from muscle pain such as shoulder stiffness and low back pain, so the solution of the problems has become an urgent issue. To date, however, muscle pain has been much less understood than pain in other parts of the body, such as cutaneous pain. Using various experimental techniques, we mainly investigate the characteristics of a new population of nociceptors in skeletal muscle, and the mechanisms of delayed onset muscle soreness, a good experimental model to research muscle pain.
Books1. Taguchi T, Ota H, Mizumura K. Mechanisms of delayed onset muscle soreness: An update. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Research 14: 195–203, 2022.
2. Taguchi T, Ota H, Wakatsuki Y, Hamaue Y. Peripheral mechanisms of myofascial pain and fibromyalgia. Pain Clinic 39(Spring Issue): S61–S68, 2018.
Papers1. Ota H, Oi R, Katanosaka K, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Expression profiles of Tmem120A/TACAN in rat skeletal muscle subjected to exercise and inflammation Pain Research 2024 39: 35–39
2. Nasu T*, Kainuma R*, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Increased nociceptive behaviors and spinal c-Fos expression in the formalin test in a rat repeated cold stress model Neurosci Res 2024 198: 30–38
3. Hanada K, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Pressure pain threshold map of thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles after lengthening contractions in young male asymptomatic volunteers. Scientific Reports 2022 12: 15825
4. Ejiri Y, Uta D, Ota H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Nociceptive chemical hypersensitivity in the spinal cord of a rat reserpine-induced fibromyalgia model. Neuroscience Research, 2022 181: 87–94
5. Ota H, Takebe H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Responses of cutaneous C-fiber afferents and spinal microglia after hindlimb cast immobilization in rats. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2021 71(1): 19
6. Ota H, Katanosaka K, Murase S, Furuyashiki T, Narumiya S, Mizumura K. EP2 receptor plays pivotal roles in generating mechanical hyperalgesia after lengthening contractions. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2018 28(3): 826–833,
7. Ota H, Katanosaka K, Murase S, Kashio M, Tominaga M, Mizumura K. TRPV1 and TRPV4 play pivotal roles in delayed onset muscle soreness. PLOS ONE 2013 8: e65751
8. Murase S, Terazawa E, Hirate K, Yamanaka H, Kanda H, Noguchi K, Ota H, Queme F, Taguchi T, Mizumura K. Upregulated glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor through cyclooxygenase-2 activation in the muscle is required for mechanical hyperalgesia after exercise in rats. The Journal of Physiology 2013 591(12): 3035–3048
9. Taguchi T, Ota H, Matsuda T, Murase S, Mizumura K. Cutaneous C-fiber nociceptor responses and nociceptive behaviors in aged Sprague-Dawley rats. Pain 2010 151: 771–782
10. Murase S, Terazawa E, Queme F, Ota H, Matsuda T, Hirate K, Kozaki Y, Katanosaka K, Taguchi T, Urai H, Mizumura K. Bradykinin and nerve growth factor play pivotal roles in muscular mechanical hyperalgesia after exercise (delayed-onset muscle soreness). Journal of Neuroscience 2010 30(10): 3752–3761