


Department of Physical Therapy

菊元 孝則写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Takanori Kikumoto



資格2007年度 理学療法士国家資格
2021年度 日本スポーツ協会公認アスレティックトレーナー(JSPO-AT)
過去の経歴日本プロバスケットボールリーグ 浜松・東三河フェニックス、秋田ノーザンハピネッツ、新潟アルビレックスBBを経て現職





著書1. 菊元孝則 オーバーヘッドスポーツの肩関節疾患治療の科学的基礎 骨軟骨障害 金岡恒治、小林 匠、蒲田和芳 株式会社ともあ 2023年2月 178-183
受賞歴1. 2019年度 第6回日本バスケットボール学会 オーラル賞【代表】
研究論文(英文)1. Kikumoto T, Akatsuka K, Nakamura E, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Edama M. Quantitative evaluation method for clarifying ankle plantar flexion angles using anterior drawer and inversion stress tests: a cross-sectional study Journal of Foot and Ankle Research May 3, 2019 12:27
2. Kikumoto T, Suzuki S, Takabayashi T, Kubo M. Center of Pressure Deviation during Posture Transition in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health April 14, 2023 20(8):5506
3. Watanabe T, Takabayashi T, Watabe T, Kikumoto T, Kikuchi Y, Kubo M. Coper has altered foot joint coordination pattern compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability during running Gait and Posture Sptember 12, 2022 Oct;98: 173-179
4. Nishino K, Suzuki H, Tanaka M, Kikumoto T, Omori G. single-leg medial drop landing with trunk lean includes improper body mechanics related to anterior cruciate ligament injury risk: A comparison of body mechanics between successful trials and failed trials in the drop landing test among female basketball athletes Clinical Biomechanics March 6, 2023 104:105942
5. Ishiyama H, Takabayashi T, Hiratsuka S, Ito W, Kikumoto T, Kubo M. Effect of Arch Height Flexibility in Individuals With Flatfoot on Abductor Hallucis Muscle Activity and Medial Longitudinal Arch Angle During Short Foot Exercises The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery June 26, 2022 62(1):168-172
6. Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Onishi H. The effects on calcaneofibular ligament function of differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament with respect to the long axis of the fibula: a simulation study Journal of Foot and Ankle Research December 28, 2017 10:60
7. Ohya S, Nakamura M, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Edama M. The effect of a running task on muscle shear elastic modulus of posterior lower leg Journal of Foot and Ankle Research December 12, 2017 10:56
8. Nakamura M, Ohya S, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Hirabayashi R, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Takabayashi T, Edama M. Differences in muscle attachment proportion within the most common location of medial tibial stress syndrome in vivo Orthopaedics & Traumatology- Surgery & Research August, 2019 105(7):1419-1422
9. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Relationships between differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior talofibular ligament and differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament and their effects on ankle-braking function Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy April 8, 2019 41(6):675-679
10. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Differences in the strain applied to Achilles tendon fibers when the subtalar joint is overpronated: a simulation study Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy January 3, 2019 41(5):595-599
11. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The effect of differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior tibial ligament on ankle braking function: a simulation study Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy October 31, 2018 41(1):69-73
12. Hirabayashi R, Edama M, Kojima S, Ito W, Nakamura E, Kikumoto T, Onishi H. Spinal reciprocal inhibition in the co-contraction of the lower leg depends on muscle activity ratio Experimental Brain Research March 21, 2019 237(6):1469-1478
13. Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Onishi H. Morphological features of the anterior talofibular ligament by the number of fiber bundles Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger November 8, 2017 216:69-74
14. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Hirabayashi R, Ito W, Nakamura E, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The relationships between the quadratus plantae and the flexor digitorum longus and the flexor hallucis longus Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy April 16, 2019 41(6):689-692
15. Nakamura M, Hirabayashi R, Ohya S, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Shimamoto M, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Takabayashi T, Edama M. Effect of Static Stretching with Superficial Cooling on Muscle Stiffness Sports Medicine International Open September 25, 2018 2(5):E142-E147
16. Hirabayashi R, Edama M, Kojima S, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Kikumoto T, Onishi H. Effects of Reciprocal Ia Inhibition on Contraction Intensity of Co-contraction Frontiers in Human Neuroscience January 11, 2019 12:527
研究論文(和文)1. 菊元孝則,江玉陸明,中村雅俊,宮川俊平. 女子バスケットボール選手の股関節外転筋力が片脚着地時の膝関節アライメントに及ぼす影響. 体力科学. 2017 66(6) 399-405,
2. 菊元孝則,宮川俊平. 片脚着地時における矢状面上の下肢関節戦略. 理学療法科学. 2017 33(2),
3. 江玉睦明,影山幾男,中村雅俊,菊元孝則,伊藤渉,高林知也,稲井卓真,大森豪,大西秀明. 前距腓靭帯の線維束数の違いと足関節機能との関係. J. sports Injury. 2017 21:11−13.
4. 伊藤渉,江玉睦明,菊元孝則,中村絵美,平林怜,金子史弥,大森豪. 大学生女性サッカー選手におけるACL再建術後のdrop vertical jumpの 膝外反変位量についての検討 ― 対側再損傷例との比較 ―. J. sports Injury. 2019 24:7−9.
共同研究・受託研究 等1. (2年間) 4,160千円 研究助成金 膝前十字靭帯損傷の危険因子になり得る衝撃吸収パターンの解明
2. (2年間) 4,160千円 研究助成金 膝前十字靭帯再建術後の反対側における衝撃吸収パターンの解明
3. (3年間) 4,160千円 研究助成金 大規模調査による慢性足関節不安定症のタイプ分類と再発リスク因子の解明
4. (2年間) 4,160千円 研究助成金 アキレス腱障害患者特有の捻れ構造と力学的特性の解明~予防法の開発に向けて~
5. (1年間) 500千円 企業 受託 膝関節伸展位固定を用いた運動連鎖の遮断による慢性足関節不安定症の新たな評価手法の開発
学会等研究発表1. Kikumoto T,Takabayashi T,Kubo M. Coordination among rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot in individuals with chronic ankle instability and coper during running International Ankle Symposium 2022.10.29-30.
2. 菊元孝則,小林真里奈,高林 知也,久保 雅義 片脚着地における慢性足関節不安定症例とcoper例との膝関節運動戦略の相違 第9回日本スポーツ理学療法学会学術大会 2022.12.10-11.
3. 菊元孝則,久保雅義,高林知也,小林真里奈,若月弘久,大森 豪 バスケットボール選手の片脚着地時における足長に対するCOP軌跡の検証 第33回日本臨床スポーツ医学会 2022.11.12-13.
4. 菊元孝則,水谷 凖,松田孝史,八子元気,宮坂 大,岡田洋和,近 良明 バスケットボール選手に対する大規模アンケートによる慢性足関節不安定症の実態調査 第77回日本体力医学会大会 2022.9.21-23.
学会・職能団体の委員1. 一般財団法人 新潟県バスケットボール協会 スポーツ医科学委員会 副委員長
2. 新潟医療福祉大学 強化指定クラブ 男女バスケットボール部 理学療法士/アスレティックトレーナー
3. 体力科学 Reviewer
4. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research Reviewer
5. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Reviewer
6. 開志国際高等学校男子バスケットボール部 理学療法士/アスレティックトレーナー
7. (一社)日本スポーツ理学療法学会  評議員


Research AreasPrevention of sports injury, especially chronic ankle instability and anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Research IntroductionExamine how sports injuries, especially ankle sprain and anterior cruciate ligament injury occur and how to prevent them, not only college athletes, but also in professional athletes and junior and senior high school athletes.
Papers1. Kikumoto T, Akatsuka K, Nakamura E, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Edama M. Quantitative evaluation method for clarifying ankle plantar flexion angles using anterior drawer and inversion stress tests: a cross-sectional study Journal of Foot and Ankle Research May 3, 2019 12:27
2. Kikumoto T, Suzuki S, Takabayashi T, Kubo M. Center of Pressure Deviation during Posture Transition in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health April 14, 2023 20(8):5506
3. Watanabe T, Takabayashi T, Watabe T, Kikumoto T, Kikuchi Y, Kubo M. Coper has altered foot joint coordination pattern compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability during running Gait and Posture Sptember 12, 2022 Oct;98: 173-179
4. Nishino K, Suzuki H, Tanaka M, Kikumoto T, Omori G. single-leg medial drop landing with trunk lean includes improper body mechanics related to anterior cruciate ligament injury risk: A comparison of body mechanics between successful trials and failed trials in the drop landing test among female basketball athletes Clinical Biomechanics March 6, 2023 104:105942
5. Ishiyama H, Takabayashi T, Hiratsuka S, Ito W, Kikumoto T, Kubo M. Effect of Arch Height Flexibility in Individuals With Flatfoot on Abductor Hallucis Muscle Activity and Medial Longitudinal Arch Angle During Short Foot Exercises The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery June 26, 2022 62(1):168-172
6. Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Onishi H. The effects on calcaneofibular ligament function of differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament with respect to the long axis of the fibula: a simulation study Journal of Foot and Ankle Research December 28, 2017 10:60
7. Ohya S, Nakamura M, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Edama M. The effect of a running task on muscle shear elastic modulus of posterior lower leg Journal of Foot and Ankle Research December 12, 2017 10:56
8. Nakamura M, Ohya S, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Hirabayashi R, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Takabayashi T, Edama M. Differences in muscle attachment proportion within the most common location of medial tibial stress syndrome in vivo Orthopaedics & Traumatology- Surgery & Research August, 2019 105(7):1419-1422
9. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Relationships between differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior talofibular ligament and differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament and their effects on ankle-braking function Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy April 8, 2019 41(6):675-679
10. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Differences in the strain applied to Achilles tendon fibers when the subtalar joint is overpronated: a simulation study Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy January 3, 2019 41(5):595-599
11. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The effect of differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior tibial ligament on ankle braking function: a simulation study Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy October 31, 2018 41(1):69-73
12. Hirabayashi R, Edama M, Kojima S, Ito W, Nakamura E, Kikumoto T, Onishi H. Spinal reciprocal inhibition in the co-contraction of the lower leg depends on muscle activity ratio Experimental Brain Research March 21, 2019 237(6):1469-1478
13. Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Onishi H. Morphological features of the anterior talofibular ligament by the number of fiber bundles Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger November 8, 2017 216:69-74
14. Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Hirabayashi R, Ito W, Nakamura E, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The relationships between the quadratus plantae and the flexor digitorum longus and the flexor hallucis longus Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy April 16, 2019 41(6):689-692
15. Nakamura M, Hirabayashi R, Ohya S, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Shimamoto M, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Takabayashi T, Edama M. Effect of Static Stretching with Superficial Cooling on Muscle Stiffness Sports Medicine International Open September 25, 2018 2(5):E142-E147
16. Hirabayashi R, Edama M, Kojima S, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E, Kikumoto T, Onishi H. Effects of Reciprocal Ia Inhibition on Contraction Intensity of Co-contraction Frontiers in Human Neuroscience January 11, 2019 12:527
Takanori Kikumoto, Kazuma Akatsuka, Emi Nakamura, Wataru Ito, Ryo Hirabayashi and Mutsuaki Edama:Quantitative evaluation method for clarifying ankle plantar flexion angles using anterior drawer and inversion stress tests: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 12, Article number: 27, 2019
Takanori Kikumoto, Shunsuke Suzuki, Tomoya Takabayashi, Masayoshi Kubo:Center of Pressure Deviation during Posture Transition in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(8):5506, 2023