


Department of Occupational Therapy

能登 真一写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Occupational Therapy

Shinichi Noto



所属団体・学会等International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research、International Society for Quality of Life Research、医療経済学会、日本神経心理学会、高次脳機能障害学会、日本リハビリテーション医学会、日本公衆衛生学会、日本衛生学会、日本医療情報学会、日本保健医療福祉連携教育学会、臨床経済研究会、高次神経作業療法研究会、作業療法教育研究会、日本病院管理学会、日本生命倫理学会、QOL/PRO研究会、日本バスケットボール学会、日本脊髄障害医学会



研究領域QOLの評価研究,リハビリテーションのアウトカム研究,高次脳機能障害に対する作業療法アプローチ(EQ-5D, Health Utilities Index,QOL,費用対効果)

EQ-5D, Health Utilities Indexという評価道具を用いて健康効用値というQOL指標の信頼性や妥当性を研究しています。また、全国の病院の先生方とともにリハビリテーションの効果(アウトカム)やコストパフォーマンスの研究を実施しています。高次脳機能障害については、半側空間無視、失行、記憶障害を中心に、それらに対する作業療法介入の開発や治療メカニズムの解明を目指しています。

著書1. 臨床で使える 半側空間無視への実践的アプローチ 医学書院 2022
2. 作業療法概論 第4版. 医学書院.(編著), 2021
3. 身体機能作業療法学 第4版. 医学書院.(共著), 2021
4. 高次脳機能障害作業療法学 第3版. メジカルビュー社.(共著), 2021
5. イラストでわかる評価学 医歯薬出版.(共著), 2021
6. リハビリテーション管理学. 医学書院.(共編著), 2020
7. ポケット版 OT臨床ハンドブック 第2版. 三輪書店.(共編著), 2020
8. QOLを高める 認知症リハビリテーションハンドブック. 医学書院.(共編著), 2020
9. 夢幻の空間―半側空間無視の評価と治療. ヒューマン・プレス.(共著), 2019
10. 高次脳機能障害作業療法学 第2版. 医学書院.(共著), 2018
11. 作業療法評価学 第3版. 医学書院.(共編著), 2017
12. 誰の健康が優先されるのか. 岩波書店.(共訳), 2017
13. PT・OTのための高次脳機能障害ABC。 文光堂.(共著), 2015
14. 基礎から学ぶ医療経済評価。 じほう.(共著), 2014
受賞歴1. 2000 第59回日本公衆衛生学会ポスター賞
2. 2009 第68回日本公衆衛生学会優秀演題賞
3. 2014 学術誌「作業療法」最優秀論文賞
研究論文(英文)1. Noto S , Murata T, Saito S, Watanabe T, Kobayashi M. Preferences for Rehabilitation in Persons with a History of Stroke: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Patient Preference and Adherence 17:1611-1620, 2023
2. Kanegane H, Ishimura M, Kawai T, Okada S, Okamatsu N, Go M, Noto S. Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Japan: Baseline Results from a Prospective Observational Study. Frontiers Immunology 14: 1244250, 2023
3. Noto S. Perspectives on Aging and Quality of Life. Healthcare 17:1611-1620, 2023
4. Koto Y, Narita A, Noto S, Okada M, Ono M, Baba T, Sagara R, Sakai N. Burden of caregivers of patients with neuronopathic and non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease in Japan: A survey-based study. Mol Genet Metab Rep 36:100994, 2023
5. Izumi S, Hagiwara Y, Matsuyama Y, Shiroiwa T, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Impacts of the preceding cancer-specific health-related quality of life instruments on the responses to the subsequent EQ-5D-5L. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 17;21(1):3, 2023
6. Hagiwara Y, Shiroiwa T, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Gradient Boosted Tree Approaches for Mapping European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 Onto 5-Level Version of EQ-5D Index for Patients With Cancer. Value Health. 26(2):269-279, 2023
7. Noto S, Wake M, Mishiro I, Hammer-Helmich L, Ren H, Moriguchi Y, Fujikawa K, Fernandez J. Health-Related Quality of Life Over 6 Months in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Who Started Antidepressant Monotherapy. Value Health Reg Issues. 30:127-133, 2022
8. Watanabe T, Noto S, Natsumeda M, Kimura S, Tabata S, Ikarashi F, Takano M, Tsukamoto Y, Oishi M Characteristics of health-related quality of life and related factors in patients with brain tumors treated with rehabilitation therapy. Journal of Patient-reported Outcomes 6(1) 94-94, 2022
9. Shiroiwa T, Hagiwara Y, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Iwamoto T, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Randomized Controlled Trial of Paper-Based at a Hospital versus Continual Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes at Home for Metastatic Cancer Patients: Does Electronic Measurement at Home Detect Patients' Health Status in Greater Detail? Med Decis Making. 42(1):60-67, 2022
10. Ito T, Kamei K, Yuasa A, Matsumoto F, Hoshi Y, Okada M, Noto S. Health-related quality of life in patients with alopecia areata: Results of a Japanese survey with norm-based comparisons. J Dermatol. 49(6):584-593, 2022
11. Koto Y, Narita A, Noto S, Ono M, Hamada AL, Sakai N. Qualitative analysis of patient interviews on the burden of neuronopathic Gaucher disease in Japan. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 19;17(1):280, 2022
12. Noto S, Miyazaki M, Takeuchi H, Saito S. Relationship between hemodialysis and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study of diagnosis and duration of hemodialysis. Renal Replacement Therapy. 7(1). 62, 2021
13. Kishimoto K, Noto S. Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life After Driving Cessation in Older Adults. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 18(1) 1-8, 2021
14. Noto S, Saito S, Shiroiwa T, Fukuda T. Estimation of Lifetime QALYs Based on Lifestyle Behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(19):9970, 2021
15. Shiroiwa T, Noto S, Fukuda T. Japanese Population Norms of EQ-5D-5L and Health Utilities Index Mark 3: Disutility Catalog by Disease and Symptom in Community Settings. Value Health. 24(8):1193-1202, 2021
16. Obata H, Izumi T, Yamashita M, Mitsuma W, Suzuki K, Noto S, Morimoto T, Isobe M. Characteristics of Elderly Patients with Heart Failure and Impact on Activities of Daily Living: A Registry Report from Super-Aged Society. J Card Fail. 27(11):1203-1213, 2021
17. Shiroiwa T, Ikeda S, Noto S, Fukuda T, Stolk E. Valuation Survey of EQ-5D-Y Based on the International Common Protocol: Development of a Value Set in Japan. Med Decis Making. 41(5):597-606, 2021
18. Iwatani T, Noto S, Tsugawa K. Changes in Health State Utility Values in Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer. Curr Oncol. 28(5):4203-4212, 2021
19. Sumiyoshi T, Watanabe K, Noto S, Sakamoto S, Moriguchi Y, Hammer-Helmich L, Fernandez J. Relationship of Subjective Cognitive Impairment with Psychosocial Function and Relapse of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: Analysis of Longitudinal Data from PERFORM-J. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 17:945-955, 2021
20. Saito S, Qi R, Tran HTT, Suzuki K, Takiguchi T, Noto S, Ohde S, Takahashi O. A nationwide web-based survey of factors associated with depressive symptoms among Japanese workers. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2.0764021101759E+14, 2021
21. Ishihara K, Izawa KP, Noto S, Shimizu I. Physical and Mental Functions of Cardiovascular Diseased Patients Decrease During the State of Emergency Initiated by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. Rev Recent Clin Trials. 16(3):316-321, 2021
科学研究費1. 2021 - 2025; 16,640,000 基盤研究(B) 健康状態の選好形成に影響を与える心理的概念の研究
2. 2021 - 2024; 6,370,000 挑戦的研究(萌芽) AIソフトを用いた認知症予防のための遠隔リハビリテーション技術の開発
3. 2018 - 2021; 15,990,000 基盤研究(B) 基準的賭け法を用いたQOL値評価とスコアリングアルゴリズムの開発に関する研究
4. 2014 - 2018; 15,990,000 基盤研究(B) 医療経済評価に用いる健康関連QOL値集積のための実証的研究
5. 2011 – 2013; 5,070,000 基盤研究(C) 臨床経済学で用いられる効用理論に関する概念的,倫理的問題の体系的研究
6. 2008 – 2010; 4,680,000 基盤研究(C) 医療技術の費用効用分析に関する総合的研究
7. 2007-2009; 7,350,000 その他 高齢者の生活機能低下に対する作業療法の効果に関する研究
学会等研究発表1. Noto S, Shimozuma K, Saito S, Fukuda T, ShiroiwaT, Ishida H, Iwatani T, Saito S Relationship between Health-State Utility Values, Self-Efficacy, and Health Locus of Control in the General Population. ISPOR 7-9 May
2. Ono M, Noto S, Koto Y, Narita A, Okada M, Sagara R, Sakai N. Assessing the burden on caregivers of patients with Gaucher disease in Japan. WORLD Symposium 13 Feb
3. Noto S, Murata T, Saito S, Kobayashi M. Patient preferences for stroke rehabilitation:a discrete choice experiment. ISPOR EUROPE 7-9 Nov
4. Noto S, Ono M, Koto Y, Narita A, Hamada AL, Sakai N. Qualitative Analysis of Patient Characters, Interviews on the Burden of Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease in Japan. ISPOR EUROPE 7-9 Nov
5. Izumi R, Sano T, Hirofumi N, Noto S, Yukako Y, Takizawa H. Elucidation of changes in health-related QOL and the MCID in motor disorders. ISOQOL 19-22 Oct
学会・職能団体の委員1. (一社)日本作業療法士協会 理事・学術部長・研究倫理審査会委員長
2. (一社)QOL/PRO研究会 理事・事務局長
3. 国際医薬経済・アウトカム研究学会日本部会 前期会長
4. 立命館大学 総合科学技術研究機構 医療経済評価・意思決定支援ユニット 客員教授
公的機関(官公庁等)の審議会・委員会等の委員1. 2022 厚生労働省・企画提案書審査委員会 委員


Research AreasQuality of life research, rehabilitation outcome studies, occupational therapy approaches for cognitive dysfunction
Research IntroductionI am studying the reliability and validity of the QOL called Health Utility using the evaluation tools EQ-5D and Health Utilities Index. In addition, I am conducting research on the effectiveness (outcome) and cost performance of rehabilitation. In the field of cognitive dysfunction, I am aiming to develop occupational therapy interventions and to clarify the treatment mechanism of cognitive dysfunction, focusing on unilateral spatial neglect, apraxia, and memory disorders.
BooksIntroduction to Occupational Therapy 4th ed.
Papers1. 2023; Noto S , Murata T, Saito S, Watanabe T, Kobayashi M. Preferences for Rehabilitation in Persons with a History of Stroke: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Patient Preference and Adherence 17:1611-1620, 2023
2. 2023; Kanegane H, Ishimura M, Kawai T, Okada S, Okamatsu N, Go M, Noto S. Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Japan: Baseline Results from a Prospective Observational Study. Frontiers Immunology 14: 1244250, 2023
3. 2023; Noto S. Perspectives on Aging and Quality of Life. Healthcare 17:1611-1620, 2023
4. 2023; Koto Y, Narita A, Noto S, Okada M, Ono M, Baba T, Sagara R, Sakai N. Burden of caregivers of patients with neuronopathic and non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease in Japan: A survey-based study. Mol Genet Metab Rep 36:100994, 2023
5. 2023; Izumi S, Hagiwara Y, Matsuyama Y, Shiroiwa T, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Impacts of the preceding cancer-specific health-related quality of life instruments on the responses to the subsequent EQ-5D-5L. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 17;21(1):3, 2023
6. 2023; Hagiwara Y, Shiroiwa T, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Gradient Boosted Tree Approaches for Mapping European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 Onto 5-Level Version of EQ-5D Index for Patients With Cancer. Value Health. 26(2):269-279, 2023
7. 2022; Noto S, Wake M, Mishiro I, Hammer-Helmich L, Ren H, Moriguchi Y, Fujikawa K, Fernandez J. Health-Related Quality of Life Over 6 Months in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Who Started Antidepressant Monotherapy. Value Health Reg Issues. 30:127-133, 2022
8. 2022; Watanabe T, Noto S, Natsumeda M, Kimura S, Tabata S, Ikarashi F, Takano M, Tsukamoto Y, Oishi M Characteristics of health-related quality of life and related factors in patients with brain tumors treated with rehabilitation therapy. Journal of Patient-reported Outcomes 6(1) 94-94, 2022
9. 2022; Shiroiwa T, Hagiwara Y, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Iwamoto T, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Randomized Controlled Trial of Paper-Based at a Hospital versus Continual Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes at Home for Metastatic Cancer Patients: Does Electronic Measurement at Home Detect Patients' Health Status in Greater Detail? Med Decis Making. 42(1):60-67, 2022
10. 2022; Ito T, Kamei K, Yuasa A, Matsumoto F, Hoshi Y, Okada M, Noto S. Health-related quality of life in patients with alopecia areata: Results of a Japanese survey with norm-based comparisons. J Dermatol. 49(6):584-593, 2022
11. 2022; Koto Y, Narita A, Noto S, Ono M, Hamada AL, Sakai N. Qualitative analysis of patient interviews on the burden of neuronopathic Gaucher disease in Japan. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 19;17(1):280, 2022
12. 2021; Noto S, Miyazaki M, Takeuchi H, Saito S. Relationship between hemodialysis and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study of diagnosis and duration of hemodialysis. Renal Replacement Therapy. 7(1). 62, 2021
13. 2021; Kishimoto K, Noto S. Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life After Driving Cessation in Older Adults. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 18(1) 1-8, 2021
14. 2021; Noto S, Saito S, Shiroiwa T, Fukuda T. Estimation of Lifetime QALYs Based on Lifestyle Behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(19):9970, 2021
15. 2021; Shiroiwa T, Noto S, Fukuda T. Japanese Population Norms of EQ-5D-5L and Health Utilities Index Mark 3: Disutility Catalog by Disease and Symptom in Community Settings. Value Health. 24(8):1193-1202, 2021
16. 2021; Obata H, Izumi T, Yamashita M, Mitsuma W, Suzuki K, Noto S, Morimoto T, Isobe M. Characteristics of Elderly Patients with Heart Failure and Impact on Activities of Daily Living: A Registry Report from Super-Aged Society. J Card Fail. 27(11):1203-1213, 2021
17. 2021; Shiroiwa T, Ikeda S, Noto S, Fukuda T, Stolk E. Valuation Survey of EQ-5D-Y Based on the International Common Protocol: Development of a Value Set in Japan. Med Decis Making. 41(5):597-606, 2021
18. 2021; Iwatani T, Noto S, Tsugawa K. Changes in Health State Utility Values in Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer. Curr Oncol. 28(5):4203-4212, 2021
19. 2021; Sumiyoshi T, Watanabe K, Noto S, Sakamoto S, Moriguchi Y, Hammer-Helmich L, Fernandez J. Relationship of Subjective Cognitive Impairment with Psychosocial Function and Relapse of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: Analysis of Longitudinal Data from PERFORM-J. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 17:945-955, 2021
20. 2021; Saito S, Qi R, Tran HTT, Suzuki K, Takiguchi T, Noto S, Ohde S, Takahashi O. A nationwide web-based survey of factors associated with depressive symptoms among Japanese workers. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2.0764021101759E+14, 2021
21. 2021; Ishihara K, Izawa KP, Noto S, Shimizu I. Physical and Mental Functions of Cardiovascular Diseased Patients Decrease During the State of Emergency Initiated by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. Rev Recent Clin Trials. 16(3):316-321, 2021
Noto S, Miyazaki M, Takeuchi H, Saito S. Relationship between hemodialysis and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study of diagnosis and duration of hemodialysis. Renal Replacement Therapy. 2021. 7(1). 62.

Kishimoto K, Noto S. Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life After Driving Cessation in Older Adults. Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2021. 18(1) 1-8.

Noto S, Saito S, Shiroiwa T, Fukuda T. Estimation of Lifetime QALYs Based on Lifestyle Behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(19):9970.

Shiroiwa T, Noto S, Fukuda T. Japanese Population Norms of EQ-5D-5L and Health Utilities Index Mark 3: Disutility Catalog by Disease and Symptom in Community Settings. Value Health. 2021;24(8):1193-1202.

Obata H, Izumi T, Yamashita M, Mitsuma W, Suzuki K, Noto S, Morimoto T, Isobe M. Characteristics of Elderly Patients with Heart Failure and Impact on Activities of Daily Living: A Registry Report from Super-Aged Society. J Card Fail. 2021;27(11):1203-1213.

Shiroiwa T, Ikeda S, Noto S, Fukuda T, Stolk E. Valuation Survey of EQ-5D-Y Based on the International Common Protocol: Development of a Value Set in Japan. Med Decis Making. 2021;41(5):597-606.

Iwatani T, Noto S, Tsugawa K. Changes in Health State Utility Values in Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer. Curr Oncol. 2021;28(5):4203-4212.

Shiroiwa T, Hagiwara Y, Taira N, Kawahara T, Konomura K, Iwamoto T, Noto S, Fukuda T, Shimozuma K. Randomized Controlled Trial of Paper-Based at a Hospital versus Continual Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes at Home for Metastatic Cancer Patients: Does Electronic Measurement at Home Detect Patients' Health Status in Greater Detail? Med Decis Making. 2022;42(1):60-67.

Sumiyoshi T, Watanabe K, Noto S, Sakamoto S, Moriguchi Y, Hammer-Helmich L, Fernandez J. Relationship of Subjective Cognitive Impairment with Psychosocial Function and Relapse of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: Analysis of Longitudinal Data from PERFORM-J. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021; 17:945-955.

Saito S, Qi R, Tran HTT, Suzuki K, Takiguchi T, Noto S, Ohde S, Takahashi O. A nationwide web-based survey of factors associated with depressive symptoms among Japanese workers. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2021:207640211017586.

Ishihara K, Izawa KP, Noto S, Shimizu I. Physical and Mental Functions of Cardiovascular Diseased Patients Decrease During the State of Emergency Initiated by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. Rev Recent Clin Trials. 2021;16(3):316-321.