Tamakoshi K, Ishida K, Kawanaka K, Takamatsu Y, Tamaki H. Motor skills training enhances AMPA receptor subunit mRNA expression in the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex and striatum of rats following intracerebral hemorrhage Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases.2017;26(10):2232-2239.
Takahashi H, Tamaki H, Oyama M, Yamamoto N, Onishi H. Time-dependent changes in the structure of calcified fibrocartilage in the rat Achilles tendon-bone interface with sciatic denervation. Anatomical Record.2017;300:2166-2174.
Takahashi H, Tamaki H, Yamamoto N, Onishi H. Articular chondrocyte alignment in the rat after surgically induced osteoarthritis. J Phys Ther Sci.2017.29.4.598-604.
Hayao K, Tamaki H, Nakagawa K, Tamakoshi K, Takahashi H, Yotani K, Ogita F, Yamamoto N, Onishi H. Effects of Streptomycin administration on increases in skeletal muscle fiber permeability and size following eccentric muscle contractions. Anatomical Record.2018;3:doi:10.1002/ar.23770.
Miyaguchi S,Kojima S, Sasaki R, Kotan S, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Decrease in short-latency afferent inhibition during corticomotor postexercise depression following repetitive finger movement. Brain and Behavior.2017;9;7(7):e00744.doi:10.1002/brb3.744
Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Sasaki R, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Modulation of short-latency afferent inhibition and short-interval intracortical inhibition by test stimulus intensity and motor evoked potential amplitude. Neuroreport.2017;13:28:1202-1207.
Nakayama H, Onishi H, Nojima M, Ishizu K, Kubo M. Analysis of scapular kinematics in three planes of shoulder elevation: A comparison between men and women. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine.2018;7:65-74.
Otsuka R, Sasaki R, Tsuiki S, Kojima S, Onishi H. Post-exercise cortical depression following repetitive passive finger movement. Neurosci Lett.2017;24:656:89-93.
Sasaki R, Nakagawa M, Tsuiki S, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Masaki M, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Regulation of primary motor cortex excitability by repetitive passive finger movement frequency. Neuroscience.2017;15:357:232-240.
Nakagawa M, Sasaki R, Tsuiki S, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Onishi H. Effects of passive finger movement on cortical excitability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.2017;3;11.216.
Masaki M, Aoyama T, Murakami T, Yanase K, Ji X, Tateuchi H, Ichihashi N. Association of low back pain with muscle stiffness and muscle mass of the lumbar back muscles, and sagittal spinal alignment in young and middle-aged medical workers. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).2017;49:.128-133.
Inukai Y, Otsuru N, Masaki M,Saito K, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Onishi H. Effect of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation on center of pressure sway of static standing posture. Brain Stimulation.2018;11:85-93.
Kojima S, Onishi H, Miyaguchi S, Kotan S, Sasaki R, Nakagawa M, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H. Modulation of corticospinal excitability depends on the pattern of mechanical tactile stimulation.Neural Plasticity.2018; Volume2018: ArticleID 5383514.
Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in cerebral oxyhaemoglobin levels during and after a single 20-minute bout of moderate-intensity cycling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (In press)
Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Shirai N. Physical function was related to mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease and dialysis. Hemodial Int.2017;21(4).483-489.
Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Fu JB..Does physical activity improve survival and mortality among patients with different types of cancer? Future Oncol.2017;13(12):1053-1055.
Yawata A, Tsubaki A, Yawata H, Takai H, Matsumoto K, Takehara N, Kobayashi R. Voluntary cough intensity and its influencing factors differ by gender in community-dwelling adults. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease.2017;11(12):427-433.
Ohyanagi H, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Obata H, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in the prefrontal cortex oxygenation levels during cycling in the supine and upright positions. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (In press)
Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E,Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T,Onishi H.Morphological features of the anterior talofibular ligament by the number of fiber bundles. Annals of Anatomy. 2018;216:69–
Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Nakamura M, Ito W, Nakamura E,Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Onishi H. The effects on calcaneofibular ligament function of differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament with respect to the long axis of the fibula: A simulation study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.2017;10:60.
Nakamura M, Ikezoe T, Nishishita S, Umehara J, Kimura M, Ichihashi N.Acute effects of static stretching on the shear elastic moduli of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles in young and elderly women.Musculoskelet Sci Pract.2017;32:98-103.
Ohya S, Nakamura M, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Takabayashi T, Edama M. The effect of running task on muscle shear elastic modulus of posterior lower leg. J Foot Ankle Res.2017;12:10:56.
Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura M, Nakamura E, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender differences associated with Rearfoot, Midfoot, and Forefoot Kinematics during running. European Journal of Sport Science.2017;17(10):1289-1296.
Takabayashi T,Edama M, Nakamura Yokoyama E, Kanaya C, Kubo M. Coordination among the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot during walking. Journal of Foot Ankle Research.2017.10.42.
Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Evaluation of factors that affect hip moment impulse during gait: A systematic review. Gait & Posture.2018;61:488-492. (Epub ahead of print)
Inai T, Edama M, Takabayashi T, Kubo M. Relationship between hip flexion contracture and hip-joint contact force in standing posture: A computer simulation study. Journal of Ergonomics.2017;7:3.
Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Takahashi A, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Iguchi K, Baba Y, Nara R, Shimoyama Y. Water immersion decreases sympathetic skin response during color-word stroop test. Plos On2017.12.7.e0180765.
Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Otsuru N, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Nojima I, Oliviero A. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the primary motor cortex induces plastic changes in cortical nociceptive processing. Front Hum Neurosci. .2018;12:63.
Takamoto K, Saitoh T, Taguchi T, Nishimaru H, Urakawa S, Sakai S, Ono T, Nishijo H. Lip closure training improves eating behaviors and prefrontal cortical hemodynamic activity and decreases daytime sleep in elderly persons. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. (in press)
Mori T, Agata N, Itoh Y, Miyazu-Inoue M, Sokabe M, Taguchi T, Kawakami K. Post-injury stretch promotes recovery in a rat model of muscle damage induced by lengthening contractions. Journal of Physiological Sciences. (in press)
Morikawa Y, Takamoto K, Nishimaru H, Taguchi T, Urakawa S, Sakai S, Ono T, Nishijo H. Compression at myofascial trigger point on chronic neck pain provides pain relief through the prefrontal cortex and autonomic nervous system: a pilot study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2017;11:186.
Kirimoto H,Tamaki H, Otsuru N, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Nojima I, Oliviero A. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the primary motor cortex induces plastic changes in cortical nociceptive processing. Frontiers Human Neuroscience.2018;12:63.
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Yoshino A, Okamoto Y, Doi M, Otsuru N, Okada G, Takamura M, Ichikawa N, Yokoyama S, Yamashita H, Yamawaki S. Regional brain functions in the resting state indicative of potential differences between depression and chronic pain. Scientific Reports.2017;7:30003.
Yamauchi S, Morishita S, Mabuchi S, Kodama N, Domen K. Examination of simple outcome measures and cut-off values related to walking independence of inpatients with medical diseases in acute care hospitals. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine.2017;2. doi:10.2490/prm.20170007.
Wakasugi T, Morishita S, Kaida K, Itani Y, Kodama N, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Impaired skeletal muscle oxygenation following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with exercise capacity. Support Care Cancer.2018;26(7):2149-2160.
Saeki J, Ikezoe T, Nakamura M, Nishishita S, Ichihashi N. The reliability of shear elastic modulus measurement of the ankle plantar flexion muscles is higher at dorsiflexed position of the ankle. J Foot Ankle Res.2017; 10:18.
Yanase K, Hasegawa S, Nakamura M, Tanaka H, Umehara J, Araki K, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Acute effect of electrical stimulation on the infraspinatus muscle using different types of muscle contractions and shoulder joint positions. Gazette Medica Italiana.2017;176(12):647-654.
Sakata J, Nakamura E, Suzuki T, Suzukawa M, Akaike A, Shimizu K, Hirose N. Efficacy of a prevention program for medial elbow injuries in youth baseball players. American Journal of Sports Medicine.2018;46(2):460-469.
Umehara J, Kusano K, Nakamura M, Morishita K, Nishishita S. Tanaka H, Shimizu I, Ichihashi N. Scapular kinematic and shoulder muscle activity alterations following serratusanterior muscle fatigue.J Shoulder Elbow Surg. (in press)
Yanase K, Hasegawa S, Nakamura M, Yamauchi T, Nishishita S, Araki K, Umehara J, Sato K, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Electrical stimulation to the infraspinatus on hypertrophy and strength of the shoulder. Int J Sports Med.in press.
Umehara J, Nakamura M, Nishishita S, Tanaka H, Kusano K, Ichihashi N. Scapular kinematic alterations during arm elevation with decrease in pectoralis minor stiffness after stretching in healthy individuals. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. (in press)
Kusano K, Nishishita S, Nakamura M, Tanaka H, Umehara J, Ichihashi N. Acute effect and time course of extension and internal rotation stretching of the shoulder on infraspinatus muscle hardness. J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2017;26(10):1782-1788.
Ikezoe T, Kobayashi T, Nakamura M, Ichihashi N. Effects of low-load, higher-repetition versus high-load, lower-repetition resistance training not performed to failure on muscle strength, mass, and echo intensity in healthy young men: a time-course study. J Strength Cond Res. (in press)
Sargent B, Reimann H, Kubo M, Fetters L. Infant interlimb coordination and torque production: Influence of Prematurity.Infant Behav Dev.2017;49:129-140.
Sargent B, Kubo M, Fetters L. Infant discovery learning and lower extremity coordination: Influence of prematurity. Physical & Occupational Therayp in Pediatrics.2018;38(2):210-225.
Kobayashi KY, Shimojo H, Takagi H, Tsubakimoto S, Sengoku Y. Effect of increase kick frequency on propelling efficiency and muscular co-activation during underwater dolphin kick swimming. Human Movement Science.2017;54:276-286.
江玉睦明,影山幾男,中村雅俊,菊元孝則,伊藤渉,高林知也,稲井卓真,大森豪,大西秀明.前距腓靭帯の線維束数の違いと足関節機能との関係. J. sports Injury. 2017;21.11-13.
Tamakoshi K, Ishida K, Hayao K, Takahashi H, Tamaki H. Effect of early and late treadmill training on motor functional recovery and the cerebral cortex after hemorrhage in rats. Society for Neuroscience (USA), 2017.11.
Tamaki H, Yotani K, Ogita F, Hayao K, Tamakoshi K, Takahashi H, Tsubaki A, Kirimoto H, Onishi H, Kasuga N, Yamamoto N. Streptomycin attenuates the effects of electrical stimulation-induced muscle contraction on reducing trabecular bone loss in the early stages of disuse in old rats..2017 Annual Meeting of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research(Denver),2017.9.
Tsuiki S, Sasaki R, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Masaki M, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Influence of passive finger movement with and without duty cycle on corticospinal excitability. Society for Neuroscience (Washinton DC), 2017.11.11~15.
Otsuru N, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Sasaki R, Tsuiki S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Masaki M, Yamashiro K, Shirozu H, Kameyama S, Onishi H. Effect of hand position in external space on the integration of bilateral tactile stimulation in the primary somatosensory cortex. Society for Neuroscience (Washinton DC), 2017.11.11~15.
Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Takehara N, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Regional differences in cerebral oxyhemoglobin changes during moderate-intensity cycling exercise: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. 21st Annual European College of Sport Science Congress(Essen), 2017.5.
Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in cerebral oxyhaemoglobin during and after a single bout of 20-minute moderate-intensity cycling. 45th Annual International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue meeting (Halle-Saale),2017.8.
Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Evaluation of changes in cerebral oxyhemoglobin during and after a 20-minute moderate-intensity cycling exercise: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. 47th European Association for the Society of Diabetes Annual Meeting(Lisbon),2017.9.
Morishita S, Wakasugi T, Kaida K, Itani Y, Sota K, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Relationship between muscle oxidative metabolism and muscle strength in patients who receive allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer(Washington DC),2017.6.
Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Kitajima M, Mitobe Y, Onishi H, Tsuji T. Relationship between physical function and body composition/bone status in cancer survivors and healthy subjects. The MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer(Washington DC), 2017.6.
Morishita S, Tanaka T, Hashimoto M, Hasegawa S, Domen K. Pulmonary function and health-related QOL in surgically-treated patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. The MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer (Washington DC),2017.6.
Morishita S, Wakasugi T, Kaida K, Itani Y, Sota K, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Fatigue, muscle oxygen consumption and blood flow to the skeletal muscle after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 45th Annual International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue meeting(Halle-Saale),2017.8.
Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura M, Nakamura E, Kanda M, Kanaya C, Yanagi S, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender differences of lateral longitudinal arch angle during running. WCPT-AWP&PTAT(Bangkok),2017.6.27~30.
Soma T, Tampo N. Analysis of postural movement during gait with lower limb orthosis with trunk belt. World confederation for physical therapy (Cape Town),2017.7.2~4.
Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Yamashiro K, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Onishi H, Tsubaki A, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Whole-hand water immersion does not change corticospinal excitability in humans. 22th annual congress of European College of Sport Science (Essen),2017.7.5~-8.
Shimojo H, Murakawa R, Nara R, Baba Y, Sengoku Y, Sakakibara J, Shimoyama Y, Tsubakimoto S, Takagi H.Three-dimensional flow field and leg motion during underwater swimming..35th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS 2017)( Köln), 2017.6.14~18.
Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yanashiro K, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Maruyama A. The effect of acute low-intensity aerobic exercise on inhibitory and excitatory circuits in the primary motor cortex. 22th annual congress of European College of Sport Science(Essen),2017.7.5~8.
Tamakoshi K, IshidaK, Hayao K, Takahashi H, Tamaki H. Effect of very early exercise on motor functional recovery and brain damage after hemorrhage in rats.第95回日本生理学会(高松市),3.28~3.30.
Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura M, Nakamura E, Kanda M, Kanaya C, Yanagi S, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender differences of lateral longitudinal arch angle during running. WCPT-AWP&PTAT(Bangkok),2017.6.27~30.
Ogita F, Yotani K, Tamaki H. Effects of cycling exercise and aquatic exercise in hypobaric hypoxia on vasculature adaptations and glucose tolerance. 22nd Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science (Germany),2017.7.
Inagaki Y, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Uchiyama T, Sato R, Qin W, Onishi H. Effects of aerobic interval exercise on prefrontal oxygenation: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. 45th Annual International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue meeting (Halle-Saale),2017.8.
Ohyanagi H, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Obata H, Qin W, Onishi H. Prefrontal cortex oxygenation changes during cycling in the supine and upright positions.45th Annual International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue meeting (Halle-Saale), 2017.5.
Sasaki R, Sakamoto J, Kondo Y, Hamaue Y, Sasabe R, Honda Y, Nakano J, Okita M. Cryotherapy reduces inflammatory symptoms and secondary hyperalgesia via decreasing accumulation of macrophage and central sensitization. The 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation (Copenhagen),2017.9.6~9.
Yanase K, Ikezoe T, Nakamura M, Saeki J, Yagi M, Hirono T, Tamezawa T, Motomura Y, Ichihashi N. What is the effective stretching position for elongating neck extensor muscles? An ultrasonic shear wave elastography study. The 22th Annual ECSS Congress (Ruhr), 2017.7.5~8.
Saeki J, Nakamura M, Yagi M, Yanase K, Ichihashi N. Acute effect of partner-stretching and self-stretching on the flexor digitorum longus muscle: A randomized crossover study. College of Podiatry conference (Liverpool), 2017.11.16~18.
Takahashi S, Nagano Y, Ito W, Okuwaki T. Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in high school athletes. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in sport (Monaco),2017.3.16~18.
Tampo N, Soma T. Mechanical analysis of lower extremity joint of a hemiplegic stroke patient gait with lower limb orthosis with trunk belt. World confederation for physical therapy (Cape Town),2017.7.2~4.
Uta D, Wakatsuki K, Tsuboshima K, Yasui M, Kiyama H, Andoh T, Nishijo H, Mizumura K, Taguchi. Spinal nociceptive sensitization in a rat model of chronic fatigue syndrome.第95回日本生理学会(高松市),3.28~3.30.
Ota H, Matsubara T, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. Identification of mechanically-insensitive muscular afferents and their activation in rats. 第95回日本生理学会(高松市),3.28~3.30.
Uta D, Miyahara K, Tsuboshima K, Andoh T, Nishijo H, Mizumura K, Taguchi T.Augmented mechanical response of superficial dorsal horn neurons in a rat model of fibromyalgia.第40回日本神経科学学会(千葉市),7.20~7.23.
Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Fu JB. Understanding cachexia, sarcopenia, and physical exercise in patients with cancer. Frailty and Sarcopenia. Intech; 2017: 123-132.
Morishita S, Tsubaki A. Physical Therapy in Patients with Cancer. Clinical Physical Therapy. Intech; 2017: 95-120.
Peripheral and spinal mechanisms of pain in the muscle fascia.”Scientific basis of the oriental medicine: acupuncture mechanism on muscle pain and motor dysfunction”.講師,第95回日本生理学会,高松市,3.28~3.30.(田口徹)