


Department of Health and Nutrition

澁谷 顕一写真

Kenichi Shibuya








著書1. 運動生理学 第2章 神経系の役割 川中健太郎、浅見直美. 羊土社. 2019
受賞歴1. 2010 Young Investigator Awards of Journal of Physiological Anthropology
研究論文(英文)1. Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya. Preliminary findings on the influence of the presence of others’ eyes on food intake. Nutrition and Health 2024 In Press
2. Kenichi Shibuya, Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto. Exploring the influence of user-friendly cutlery on the food consumption levels. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 2024 100935
3. Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya Sleep duration has a limited impact on the prevalence of menstrual irregularities in athletes: a cross-sectional study. PeerJ 2024 e16976
4. Kenichi Shibuya, Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto Exploring the Influence of User-Friendly Cutlery on the Food Consumption Levels International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 2024 36:100935
5. Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya Exploring the relationship between nutritional intake and menstrual cycle in elite female athletes. PeerJ 2023 e16108
6. Suzuha Kidoura, Yumeno Higuchi, Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya ffects of different food hardness on cognitive inhibitory control function Journal of Texture Studies 2023 54:958-962
7. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Kenichi Shibuya The effect of background music tempo on eating speed and food intake volume within in healthy women. Nutrition and Health. 2023 19: 2601060231158234
8. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Ayaka Sasaki, Kenichi Shibuya Cross-modal and subliminal effects of smell and color. PeerJ. 2023 e14874
9. Akihiko Asao, Kento Wada, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya ime course changes in corticospinal excitability during repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery. Neuroscience Letters 2022 771: 13627
10. Akihiko Asao, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya Effects of repetitive Peripheral magnetic stimulation through hand splint materials on induced movement and corticospinal excitability in healthy participants. Brain Sciences 2022 12: 280
11. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya Increased vitamin D intake may reduce psychological anxiety and the incidence of menstrual irregularities in female athletes. PeerJ. 2022 10: e14456
12. Kenichi Shibuya, Rina Kasuga, Naoto Sato, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Mana Miyamoto Preliminary findings: Preferences of right-handed people for food images oriented to the left vs. right side. Food Quality and Preference. 2022 97: 104502. 他
研究論文(和文)1. 佐藤直人、宮本真菜、三田梨沙、澁谷顕一 体型判断におけるベイズ統合の影響 山形県立米沢栄養大学紀要 2023 9: 5-10

科学研究費1. 2024-2028年 4,160千円 基盤研究(C) 「他者の眼」および「他者の存在」による摂食調節機能の解明
2. 2023-2027年 4,810千円 基盤研究(C) レオロジーの異なる炭酸飲料による嚥下機能への刺激効果の解明
3. 2007-2009年 60,000千円 その他 運動時における循環調節機構の統合的解明
4. 2007-2010年 4,070千円 若手研究 疲労困憊にいたる運動における大脳皮質運動野の機能的相補性発現に関する研究
学会・職能団体の委員1. 2013- 公益社団法人日本ローイング協会強化委員会 委員(日本代表チーム)
2. 2005- 公益社団法人日本ローイング協会医科学委員会 スタッフ
3. 2014- 公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会 強化スタッフ
4. 2015- 公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会 エリートアカデミーサポートスタッフ
5. 2020- PeerJ Academic Editor
6. 2020- PLOS ONE Academic Editor
7. 2024- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Review Editor
8. 2023-2024 PeerJ Special Issue Editor with Dr. Mana Miyamoto


Research AreasCognitive Science; Exercise Physiology; Sports Nutrition
Papers1. Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya. Preliminary findings on the influence of the presence of others’ eyes on food intake. Nutrition and Health 2024 In Press
2. Kenichi Shibuya, Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto. Exploring the influence of user-friendly cutlery on the food consumption levels. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 2024 100935
3. Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya Sleep duration has a limited impact on the prevalence of menstrual irregularities in athletes: a cross-sectional study. PeerJ 2024 e16976
4. Kenichi Shibuya, Risa Santa, Mana Miyamoto Exploring the Influence of User-Friendly Cutlery on the Food Consumption Levels International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 2024 36:100935
5. Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya Exploring the relationship between nutritional intake and menstrual cycle in elite female athletes. PeerJ 2023 e16108
6. Suzuha Kidoura, Yumeno Higuchi, Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Kenichi Shibuya ffects of different food hardness on cognitive inhibitory control function Journal of Texture Studies 2023 54:958-962
7. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Kenichi Shibuya The effect of background music tempo on eating speed and food intake volume within in healthy women. Nutrition and Health. 2023 19: 2601060231158234
8. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Ayaka Sasaki, Kenichi Shibuya Cross-modal and subliminal effects of smell and color. PeerJ. 2023 e14874
9. Akihiko Asao, Kento Wada, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya ime course changes in corticospinal excitability during repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery. Neuroscience Letters 2022 771: 13627
10. Akihiko Asao, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya Effects of repetitive Peripheral magnetic stimulation through hand splint materials on induced movement and corticospinal excitability in healthy participants. Brain Sciences 2022 12: 280
11. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya Increased vitamin D intake may reduce psychological anxiety and the incidence of menstrual irregularities in female athletes. PeerJ. 2022 10: e14456
12. Kenichi Shibuya, Rina Kasuga, Naoto Sato, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Mana Miyamoto Preliminary findings: Preferences of right-handed people for food images oriented to the left vs. right side. Food Quality and Preference. 2022 97: 104502. 他